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THE 4400’s Billy Campbell
Wants A Seat On GALACTICA!!

I am – Hercules!!
Billy Campbell – whose sci-fi cred stretches all the way from “The Rocketeer” to “The 4400” - is begging to be assigned to “Battlestar Galactica” for its final season. "That is the only show he ever wanted to be in,” SciFi president Bonnie Hammer said during a press conference in Vancouver this week. “That is the only show he would do for free.” SciFi exec Mark Stern said "Galactica' producers are working to figure out a way to shoehorn Campbell into the series, which is shooting now and concludes its four-season run next year. Read all of SciFi Wire’s story on the matter here.

The Rocketeer: Cuddly With Sela Ward!! Get a girlfriend and make her wear this!!

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