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Movie News

Frank Miller's gonna adapt Raymond Chandler's TROUBLE IS MY BUSINESS for Clive Owen!

Hey folks, Harry here... Michael Fleming posted an amazing story over at Variety about the latest development in the Clive Owen/Strike Entertainment/Universal Pictures hopeful series of films adapting Raymond Chandler stories into features to star Clive Owen!

I believe we all were very excited about this series when it was announced some months back - well Clive went no further than his co-director and creator of SIN CITY - that's right - FRANK MILLER is writing the screenplay! Now the cool thing is - other than upon television, I don't believe TROUBLE IS MY BUSINESS has been adapted. TROUBLE IS MY BUSINESS is one of Chandler's short stories and a damn fine one ta boot. I have to say, it was a smart as hell move to begin with this one, and in Miller's hands we know the script will be fantastic. Can't wait to follow this project to the screen!

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