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Lotsa Pics From HEAVY METAL 2!!!

All right... Here is our first look (that I know of) from the second HEAVY METAL movie that features animation cels on backgrounds. So far all that I have seen, have been the Simon Bisley conceptual paintings, and then those gorgeous backgrounds from a couple of weeks ago. Well... now... We have a look at the way the characters look... as well as some of the spaceships... My opinion? Well... They are neat, but... well, it just doesn't quite have that HEAVY METAL awesome kick in the teeth sort of feel to me. GOD I hope I'm wrong, I love the original HEAVY METAL with a drive only equaled (to my knowledge) by Robert Rodriguez's. And the pair of us really do want this movie to kick ass... The backgrounds do that for me, but the other stuff... well... You decide... Take a look... (pics provided by BONDOSIAN)








and (this one I really really love)

and finally...

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