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An Official Stoker-Approved DRACULA Sequel Is On The Way!

Hey, everyone. ”Moriarty” here. When I was on the set of last season’s MASTERS OF HORROR episode, Ernest Dickerson was in the midst of prepping his episode, which was going to shoot right after ours. I got to spend the good part of an afternoon chatting with Dickerson, and I was struck by just how big a film freak he is. This is a guy who will fly to Paris just to search a video store for out-of-print VHS copies of silent-era films. This is a guy who actively searches out films that most people have never even heard of. And, yeah, he shot DO THE RIGHT THING, so he’s pretty much the hippest cat in the room at all times. But now it looks like he’s gearing up to make another vampire piece, and this time, he’s got the stamp of approval from the family of Bram Stoker himself. The project is an official sequel to the oft-retold DRACULA, incorporating material that was cut from the original publication of the novel. It looks like Jack the Ripper and Elizabeth Bathory may figure into the story somehow. Interesting stuff, and you can read more right here.

Drew McWeeny, Los Angeles

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