Ain't It Cool News (

NBC Cancels

I am – Hercules!!
Bad NBC!! Bad!! “Andy Barker, P.I.” the best sitcom on network TV, has gotten the axe. Terrible decision. The brainchild of Conan O’Brien and his former head writer, “Barker” is actually the best sitcom we’ve seen in years. Yes, it struggled in the ratings against behemoths like “CSI” and “Grey’s Anatomy,” but what wouldn’t? More than any other sitcom on the air, the consistently hilarious “Barker,” in my view, was NBC’s best shot at a building a sleeper franchise, another “Cheers” or “Seinfeld.” The final two episodes run Saturday. Read more of this at

129 Pages?? What Got Cut Out?? Death Proof: A Screenplay by Quentin Tarantino!!

50% Off Spidey!! $12.49 Spider-Man: The Complete 2003 Series

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