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I Guess This Is What Plissken Did After Whopping Us With The Sword Of Damocles??

Merrick here...
Since money is involved, I have to dance carefully here. So...please do not think of the following as an endorsement by AICN. We don’t know the people doing this & can not speak to many details of the project itself. Although, given the e-mail address from which this information came, there appears to be a pretty decent legitimacy factor here. We've received a message that I thought could be interesting, amusing, and possibly even touching to Geeks far and wide. Efforts are underway to create a new playground for the children of Gumniste, Kosovo. It’s named for a nihilistic, one-eyed anti-hero who we’ve been hearing quite a bit about lately. MORE INFORMATION HERE and HERE! We’re told the current plan is to incorporate a “possible mural, but definitely a plaque”. At the very least the playground needs a cruddy gladiatorial arena where kids can swing at each other with spiky clubs. In all seriousness, now you know as much as I do. If you're interested in learning more about this, I can directly connect you with the people behind this project. If you want this to happen, E-MAIL ME!!

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