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Jack and Rose are back together... not for TITANIC 2, but for Sam Mendes' REVOLUTIONARY ROAD!!!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. Looks like fate (and Sam Mendes) have put Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet back together in the upcoming REVOLUTIONARY ROAD. The flick is set up at Dreamworks, the studio that gave Mendes his start with AMERICAN BEAUTY. It's based on a 1961 novel by Richard Yates, focusing on a suburban family in the early '50s. The husband and wife struggle to keep their dreams and individuality alive. Seeing the fight being lost causes a great rift in this family, causing things to spin out of control. Sounds like perfect fit for the actors and director. Mendes definitely gets the dysfunctional suburban family dynamic and DiCaprio and Winslet work very well together. They've both grown immensely since TITANIC, so it'll be really intriguing to see how that dynamic has shifted. I'm very excited about this project.

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