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E! Online Now Says
Not Be Cancelled After All!!

I am – Hercules!!
E!’s Kristin Veitch stuck up two stories within hours of each other Thursday night. The first, posted at 6:26 p.m., was headlined “Exclusive! Veronica Canceled” The second, posted at 10:11 p.m., featured a headline with different punctuation: “Veronica Mars: Canceled? Here’s What I Know …” Some key excerpts from the second post:
I just heard from Veronica mastermind and showrunner Rob Thomas, who told me, "If we're canceled, I certainly don't know about it."
So, bottom line: Veronica Mars could be: (1) spinning off into a new [FBI cadet] format, (2) returning in her college years or (3) getting axed.
So it appears that “Mars” mastermind Rob Thomas is still filming a presentation reel for The CW that would set season four a few years in the future, during Veronica’s freshman year at the FBI Academy. Would Keith move out to Quantico, Va., to become an instructor there or something? Would it be the same show without Mac, Wallace, Weevil and daddy Mars? Find the Hollywood Reporter’s Friday-morning report on the Clarice Starling plan here.

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