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Lasseter updates the world on TOY STORY 3, SONG OF THE SOUTH on DVD (?) and THE FROG PRINCESS!!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. John Lasseter recently met with shareholders and cemented some interesting tidbits on Disney's upcoming slate. TOY STORY 3... nothing really new here, but he confirmed a 2010 release, LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE's Michael Arndt is scripting and both Tom Hanks and Tim Allen are confirmed to return. THE FROG PRINCESS is where most of the news hit. It'll be a traditionally hand-drawn Disney flick set in New Orleans, with the "very first African-American Disney Princess," a soul-singing alligator and Randy Newman doing the music. Another interesting tidbit is that Robert Iger, who was strongly against releasing SONG OF THE SOUTH on DVD this time last year (for fear of a negative reaction) says he's now been persuaded to consider it again... Good. The movie's fantastic and anybody who has really seen it knows the message is strongly in favor of living in peace with people of any skin color. The hero of the movie is Uncle Remus and the closest things to villains in the flick are the ignorant parents! Plus, it's a little bullshit that Disney will still sell CDs with SONG OF THE SOUTH music on it, make money off of it that way, but no... they're profiteering if they release the actual movie? Of course Iger reconsidering a release doesn't mean jack or shit, but there's a little hope now.

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