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HOT FUZZ Cop Fest with Edgar & Nick @ The Alamo!!!

Hey folks, Harry here... one of the keenest things I get to do with AICN is throw killer events in conjunction with the Alamo Drafthouse where we unleash all manners of madcap mayhem in the name of cinematic joy. Back around December 22nd, I got a quick IM from Edgar Wright Jr - asking if I'd like to do a HOT FUZZ event where he and Nick would pop over to Austin... screen a selection of badass Cop flicks - followed by the glorious unveiling of HOT FUZZ? Well, without even touching myself, I responded in the affirmative. Fully taking on the responsibility of the possiblity that perhaps the Alamo Drafthouse may not want to do that type of thing. I mean... HOT FUZZ? Marathon of Badass Cop Flicks? Edgar and Nick there through it all getting smashed? That didn't sound like Tim League's bag... right? Well after thinking for .003 nanoseconds about how to propose the notion to the Mighty League - I laid it out simple and plan - and before I finished the phrase - Copathon... TIM was "FUCKING A I'M IN!" followed by repeated flesh slapping sounds on his end of the phone. Within about 15 minutes - I begun to have the various programmers at the Alamo emailing in a ring of blazing email fury - the entire roster of COP titles known to exist in a network of libraries and collectors ranging from this country to New Zealand to this village in Sri Lanka. Yes - it was amazing. Edgar began getting frothy at the mouth shorting out the L and Q keys on his keyboard... I began shifting weight from one ass cheek to the other to keep the blood from doing that cottage cheese thing. Yes - it was exciting. SO - When is this Orgiastic Fuzz-a-thon? ALL THE DETAILS ARE HERE! So check it out! ALSO - Tim's Bringing JOE DANTE to Austin! More on that Later!

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