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A Music Video To Praise The One True Film God... Michael Bay!

Hey folks, Harry here... I really like Michael Bay. That said, I'm not a fan of THE ISLAND (wanted it to be balls out R rated) and really feel that PEARL HARBOR was cluttered with material that made the characters seem lost - BUT loved when things went boom. In fact - that's my favorite thing about Michael Bay... he blows shit up better than anyone. He's also great at communicating speed and sweaty machismo... and I love sweaty machismo. He also likes Aerosmith... and I like Aerosmith. And Aerosmith can build bonds like you wouldn't believe. I also love his P.T. Barnum joy of throwing the biggest show he can imagine. And there never seems to be enough crazed unadulterated joy of Michael Bay in the online world... That's why - when I saw this Music Video - which may be old news for some of you - I had to share. It just made me want to sit in a theater with TRANSFORMERS - my lighter held high and just bang my head in worship. I just hope TRANSFORMERS is as kick ass as this guy's enthusiasm makes you wanna believe. Here ya go:

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