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NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM fingerpainter, Shawn Levy to helm THE FLASH!

Hey folks, Harry here... My instant reaction to the name SHAWN LEVY and THE FLASH was, "WHO?" That prodded me to IMDB. THE PINK PANTHER, CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN... NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM... This was my second reaction, "WARNER BROTHERS - What the fuck? You were showing so much promise, so much coolness. Christopher Nolan.... Bryan Singer... SHAWN FUCKING LEVY? Are you fucking kidding me? Have you seen his turd-buckets? They're so bad, the flies stay away..." Then as this wave of RATIONAL RAGE washed over me - I could see what they were thinking. With BATMAN BEGINS and SUPERMAN RETURNS - there was a segment of the audience that felt those films were just too serious. That they were not "COMIC" enough. This caused me to see RED - and not the scarlet of our speedster's costume. Then I thought - well... My fave FLASH comics were always entrenched in the Silver Age run he ran. Though technically - I really loved the old school Golden Age version of the character. That said - FLASH was a "lighter" character. That doesn't mean he was fucking RETARDED though. As an audience, we generally have no reason... AT ALL, to think that this was a good idea. There's a chance that Shawn Levy has been biding his time serving mentally challenged execs that want films like THE PINK PANTHER and NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM... and that he's been desperate to get his hands on something substantial - with which to prove his mettle. Perhaps he's a Gore Verbinski - waiting to explode from his MOUSE HUNTS with a grand adventure. Well... at least I liked MOUSE HUNT. This is a project that just went from "CAN'T WAIT FOR..." to "OH GOD, PLEASE DON'T SUCK LIKE THE WARNER HERO FLICKS OF OLD!!!" Let us pray.

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