Ain't It Cool News (

STAR TREK Remastered!!
Vulcan Conformed!! Shuttlecraft Landing Before An Audience!!
An Exclusive Ship Pic, Too!!

Merrick here...
..with some images from this weekend's STAR TREK Remastered. It's "Journey to Babel", the episode in which Enterprise is assigned to transport delegates (Spock's parents among them) from many worlds to a conference on Babel. Along the way, many things go very wrong - including murder, the discovery of a secret operative, and a vicious attack by a high-speed alien vessel. First up: a reworked shot of Enterprise orbiting Vulcan, from which Spock's mom and dad will visit. Seems Vulcan's appearance has been modified to (more or less) match the way it looked in the later TREK movies/subsequent series.



Here's a shot of a reworked shuttlecraft landing on the Enterprise. In the remastered version, note the addition of onlookers observing through the hangar's gallery windows - as well as the personnel now visible through the shuttlecraft's viewports.



Another angle from the same sequence - the shuttlecraft is being positioned in the bay by a turntable.



Here's a look at the original/remastered Orion ship that attacks Enterprise. Quite a difference...



Finally, an image exclusive to AICN. When that Orion ship attacks, it's zooping around at blazing speeds and is seen in something of a blur. Here's a super-sharp close-up of what that ship looks like...I don't believe we'll actually see it this clearly in the episode. The ship was developed under CBS Digital visual effects supervisor Niel Wray, and modeled by Apollo Kim from a ship design by Michael Okuda.
I like it; it maintains the "ring" (pinwheel) vibe of the original - but still feels kinda retro fresh (that's an oxymoron, but I think it makes sense). "Original" images from TrekCore
[[[e-mail Merrick]]]

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