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Metallica Scratches The Ennio Morricone Itch!!

Hey, everyone. ”Moriarty” here. This one’s just some fun for the weekend for you. I’m still trying to shake one of the worst cases of jet lag I’ve ever had, and as I’m sorting through the past week’s worth of e-mail, I enjoyed this one. Back in my high school and college days, I saw Metallica perform any number of times, and they used to love to take the stage to the epic sounds of Ennio Morricone. This story doesn’t remotely surprise me, but it does delight me. Maybe you soundtrack geeks and metal fiends will enjoy it, too...

Being a huge Ennio Morricone fanboy, as well as basically worshipping the The "Man with No Name" Trilogy, and of course, being a follower of the band Metallica, I saw this and thought you and the readers of Aintitcool might get a kick out of it. Turns out Metallica have recorded a version of "The Ecstacy of Gold" for an upcoming album to honor the work of Ennio Morricone. Being a musician, I was really impressed by the work of Ennio, and I really dig this cover. Here is an Article located at that goes into detail about the upcoming album, as well as containing a sample of Metallica's Version of the composition. CHECK IT OUT RIGHT HERE!! If you use this, Call me Terroreyezor
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