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New films are added to the National Film Registry!!! Coen Bros, Carpenter, Stallone, Brooks and more!!!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. It always fascinates me looking at the National Film Registry's list of permanently archived and secure films. These are the films that will survive us, if the NFR isn't bullshitting us, that is. Nuclear War, asteroid, dinosaur invasion, whatever... These will be found if the worst happens. There are 450 films in the Registry and 25 of them were just added. John Carpenter gets his due, Harold Ramis gets a flick in there, Mel Brooks' best film (arguably) and a Coen Bros. feature makes it in, although, to be perfectly honest, it's my least favorite of their movies. I do admit, however, that I am in the minority on that opinion. Here's the list:
1) Applause (1929) 2) The Big Trail (1930) 3) Blazing Saddles (1974) 4) The Curse of Quon Gwon (1916-17) 5) Daughter of Shanghai (1937) 6) Drums of Winter (1988) 7) Early Abstractions #1-5,7,10 (1939-56) 8) Fargo (1996) 9) Flesh and the Devil (1927) 10) Groundhog Day (1993) 11) Halloween (1978) 12) In the Street (1948/52) 13) The Last Command (1928) 14) Notorious (1946) 15) Red Dust (1932) 16) Reminiscences of a Journey to Lithuania (1971-72) 17) Rocky (1976) 18) Sex, Lies and Videotape (1989) 19) Siege (1940) 20) St. Louis Blues (1929) 21) The T.A.M.I. Show (1964) 22) Tess of the Storm Country (1914) 23) Think of Me First as a Person (1960-75) 24) A Time Out of War (1954) 25) Traffic in Souls (1913)
I'm used to seeing titles like TRAFFIC IN SOULS and ST. LOUIS BLUES in the Registry's list. It is there, afterall, to preserve important landmarks in cinema history, usually relating to huge events at the time. It always makes me smile to see them go for the popular favorites, too. I'm a little baffled at GROUNDHOG DAY being added, but I love the movie, so go on them. I love that ROCKY, FARGO, Hitchcock's NOTORIOUS, BLAZING SADDLES (Young Frankenstein is already on the list) and HALLOWEEN are on the list. A slasher film in the National Film Registry? Fuckin' great. Anyway, thought I'd share.

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