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Pics of Natalie Portman, Jason Bateman and Dustin Hoffman from MR. MAGORIUM'S WONDER EMPORIUM!!!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. Now, this flick... MR. MAGORIUM'S WONDER EMPORIUM would hold very little interest based solely on the premise... The basic premise is a young, awkward manager of the biggest Toy Store in the world is given ownership of the store by the 200 plus year old owner. When that happens, something dark happens to the store. However, the talent involved leads me to believe we could have a really sweet and smart family film come November '07. Not even looking at the talent in front of the camera, the flick is written and directed by a man named Zack Helm, who wrote STRANGER THAN FICTION, which is one of the best movies of '06. If he put a quarter of the hug-a-bility into Portman's character in this one that he did for Maggie Gyllenhaal in FICTION, then I'm going to be a mess. In front of the camera, you have Natalie Portman, who just keeps getting more and more gorgeous, as well as Dustin Hoffman (just screened a 16mm theatrical trailer for STRAW DOGS that I have last night and it worked as a reminder of just how fucking great Hoffman is... we're lucky he's still with us and putting out great work... his characters in PERFUME and FICTION are fantastic) and Jason Bateman. I'm a recent convert to ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT and am so thankful that Bateman got another shot at a career. I think we'll only benefit from his work. Anyway, there are 5 pics, from The second image down I saw in Entertainment Weekly a little while ago, but the other 4 are new to me. Enjoy!


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