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Joe Carnahan's Intro for SMOKIN' ACES at OctoButt-Numb-A-Thon!!!

Hey folks, Harry here - Joe Carnahan's a swell guy. When he canceled his appearance to BNAT on last Thursday - I couldn't begrudge him, as he was canceling to attend his daughter's championship Soccer game. That kicks ass. That Carnahan has his priorities so together that he would cancel a promotional trip for his film, just to be a good father. That's the sort of thing that just demonstrates strength of character. Add to that - that the film kicks ass like ya just won't believe. The Elevator, the chainsaw, the masks, the whores, the 50 calibre destruction, leatherboy Ben, -- To me, this film takes place in the same universe as RAISING ARIZONA, only it fixates on an insane HITMAN ROYALE. I'll be putting Stallone's taped intro up soon too! Joe posted this on his: SmokinJoeCarnahan.Com Check out the badass posters over there for this one!

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