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George Clooney curls up with a Grisham! Specifically, THE INNOCENT MAN: MURDER AND INJUSTICE IN A SMALL TOWN!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with a bit of news from the world of George Clooney. The man doesn't take a moment to rest, it seems. He has optioned the John Grisham nonfiction book THE INNOCENT MAN: MURDER AND INJUSTICE IN A SMALL TOWN along with his partner in crime, Grant Heslov. The book is about a real man in Oklahoma that was sent to death row for 11 years for a murder he did not commit and the real kicker is the man who did commit the murder gave eye-witness testimony against the innocent man. Yikes. It's been a while since we've seen a courtroom drama (that didn't involve bad CGI demons)... and since that West Memphis Three movie with John Cusack seems to have dropped off the face of the earth, we'll just have to wait for this one. What do you folks think?

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