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Visit Little Ralphie Parker's House As Seen In A CHRISTMAS STORY!!

Merrick again...
I know many AICN readers are rabid fans of A CHRISTMAS STORY – the now perennial Yuletide classic that almost didn’t get released back in the day. As such, we’d be woefully remiss if we didn’t tell you about this opportunity. A CHRISTMAS STORY is easily one of the movies I cherish most, and is one of two films I can watch inexhaustibly in a loop. Which…happens nearly every Christmas Eve/Christmas Day when TNT runs their 24 hour CHRISTMAS STORY marathon. The wonderful Cleveland house featured in the film…Ralphie’s house…has recently been restored to its cinematic appearance and condition. This was done by a former Navy Intelligence Officer named Brian Jones (you’d be surprised how many Intelligence people I’ve encountered in the Hollywood community). Jones was a huge fan of the film, selling replicas of the movie’s iconic Leg Lamps (“It’s a major award!”). Here’s how the rest came about (from a press release):
Brian Jones, 30 of San Diego, is a true fan of the movie and a young entrepreneur. The former Navy intelligence officer not only sells leg lamps – just like the one featured in the movie – for a living, but he also purchased the Cleveland house used in the film. Jones bought the house – sight unseen and without ever visiting Ohio – in an eBay auction. His wife, who serves in the military, e-mailed him about the online listing as her ship was on its way to the Middle East. Since January 2006, he has been renovating the house to its original movie appearance.
The house officially opened on November 25, and includes a small museum dedicated to the film (photos, poor Randy’s snow suit…“I can’t put my arms down!”). If you’re in the area, this is an amazing chance to experience a part of cinema history. If you’re not in the area, love the movie, and can afford to go: go. You can also check out other locations featured in the film (the Higbee's building, for example), as well as a restaurant that serves Chinese Turkey (Peking Duck)! Maybe I can talk Harry into sending me and my son on an AICN mission. Of course, I’m such a pain in the ass that he’d probably send me there with a one way ticket. Ah well, one could do far worse than getting stuck in CHRISTMAS STORY land. Although, I'm saying this having never been to Cleveland. Click the photo to learn more!

HERE is a larger version of the same image.]

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