Ain't It Cool News (


Harry here - It's like the people behind HEROES want me to love HEROES more than I already do. By Hiro working to try to get that hot Waitress in Texas to go on a date with him to the ALAMO DRAFTHOUSE at Austin to see YOJIMBO... HOLY SHIT did that make me do a Hiro "IIIIIIEEEEEEEEE!!!!" and throw my hands up. I've been trying to reach Tim League all night - because the Alamo Drafthouse was cited by the coolest show on Television. I know I'm supposed to be excited about AICN being mentioned in the show after HEROES - but fuck that noise, I don't like that show. I'm watching it now and just don't like it and can't really get into it. Of course I've never seen it before and the only reason I'm watching it is because they apparently mention my site on here... but I'm so geeking about HIRO mentioning my favorite movie theater in the world... In fact, Hiro mentioning AUSTIN is just about giddy to an extreme. By the way - I totally think HIRO can change the future - and I'll be that the girl that that cute little redhead (reminds me of Charlie Brown's crush) - is who Hiro is smiling at outside that diner. Yes, I know in that timeline she's dead... but he created a new timeline and a separate cute redhead girl. Which means Hiro did make a difference. At least that's my theory. I've no inside scoop... but I just want Hiro to get his kiss. The Future is not set in stone. It can change, otherwise - why would future future Hiro have told Peter anything? Cuz... That Hiro knows he can change things - which means this Hiro must learn that what he tells people can change the way things go. And that first event will be the cute redhead waitress. At least I hope so. I really like that character. Ok - Sorry - I'm geeking on the latest HEROES - SIX MONTHS EARLIER. I love this show.

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