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Latest Information on MISSION IMPOSSIBLE II

Well, folks, Like I said yesterday... John Woo IS directing this film. You'll see confirmations on Hollywood Reporter and on the AP wire today. I've received reports from Australia to England to LA that this is so. THere may have been a hiccup recently, but if there were, it seems to be ironed out now. But this press release should catch you up on the current state of affairs...

This press release just came out this morning from the New South Government press office announcing Mission Impossible II filming in Sydney. It confirms some things (like John Woo helming the flick) and gives some other details like locations and shooting time. I've cut out a lot of the government PR crap:

"The Premier of NSW, Mr Bob Carr, today announced Mission Impossible II - the biggest film ever to be made in Australia (UNTIL EPISODE 2, OBVIOUSLY) would begin filming in NSW this month, injecting $70 million into the state economy.

Starring Tom Cruise, Mission Impossible is a Cruise-Wagner Production for Paramount Pictures and will be directed by internationally acclaimed action film director John Woo.

The film will feature Sydney's building's streets, skyline and harbour. It will also be ahot in and around Broken Hill (NB: AN OUTBACK TOWN) and other country locations.

A third of the film will be shot at Fox Studios. "NSW will actually appear in the film as NSW rather than an unnamed American location," Mr Carr said.

The film will create 630 casual and full-time jobs and provide work for 30 local actors and 8000 extras. A total of $3 million will be spent on 13,000 hotel room nights during filming.

During the 20-week shoot there will be work for 8000 extras and up to 400 full-time set builders, technicians and crew -- almost all of them Australians. A further 230 crew and technicians will be hired on a casual basis.

While foreign actors will take several of the major roles, at least six substantial parts will be filled by Australians -- with a further 20 to 25 locals in minor speaking roles.

A crucial action sequence will take place around Governor Macquarie Tower and Governor Phillip Tower near Circular Quay (NB: THEY'RE RELATIVELY MODERN TWIN BUILDINGS THAT MANY OF THE NSW GOVERNMENT OFFICES ARE IN). Mission Impossible II is scheduled for worldwide release by Christmas.

Hope this helps,

Monkey Boy

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