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License To Meh!! Chris Cornell's CASINO ROYALE Music Video Is Here!!

Merrick again...
MTV has posted the music video to Chris Cornell’s “You Know My Name” – the song for the imminent CASINO ROYALE. The video features a bored looking Cornell intercut amidst clips of the movie. As I've said before, I feel I should either love this song or hate this song…but I feel no emotion towards it at all, damnit. Maybe that’s why Cornell looks bored?


I know many people have trouble accessing material at MTV’s website (or can’t do anything there at all). This video seems to load effortlessly; it’s located on the sidebar on the right of your screen. Also, in case you missed it, sound snippets from David Arnold’s CASINO ROYALE score can now be heard HERE. The orchestrated version of this song sounds much better. It' know...a David Arnold Bond score. One movement in particular strongly evokes John Barry (Track 6 - Solange).

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