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Brett Easton Ellis' THE INFORMERS being adapted by Ellis himself!!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with some interesting news for you Brett Easton Ellis fans out here. I know everybody loves AMERICAN PSYCHO, but the flick never really hit with me, despite Christian Bale's outstanding lead performance. I did, however, love RULES OF ATTRACTION to death. Ellis' voice is strong and certainly something to pay attention to.

Senator Entertainment has optioned his short story collection (published in 1995) THE INFORMERS and Ellis is writing the screenplay for Nicholas Jarecki to direct. The short stories in this book are all loosely connected, all taking place in LA in the early/mid '80s. Rockers, execs, business men and even vampires are involved. No telling how much of each story will end up in the film version. I haven't read this one, so what are the thoughts of the book's fans? Let me know!

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