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STAR TREK Classic Special Editions... it's more than effects...

Harry here - just finished the original edition of EMPIRE STRIKES BACK - these Star Wars original editions - aren't untampered with... there's no matte lines and shitty lightsabers. But blood is on the floor, Stormtrooper exit blasts, Han firing first and the no Episode IV is back as it was. Empire... for me is just perfect. And after all these years - have we fans not learned our lessons from Lucas... I mean - here we are salivating over these STAR TREK CLASSIC special editions, but I love the models and the matte paintings. Didn't you? I suppose that's why I have all those editions on DVD and about a dozen original episodes in 16mm film. BUT - as a geek... I have to say - I'm a bit giddy about this experiment and I wish it the best. The idea of "fixing" the limitations of an era isn't inherently evil - it's not allowing access to the originals that I have a problem with. And Paramount isn't doing that. Well - check out the trailer for the new series update and check out the article at Click here for the Trailer Click Here For the Interview & Article!

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