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BOND 19 will be "Q's" last stand

In a move that 'depending on casting' could be a very smart move, the folks associated with BOND 19 are going to retire Q this year. If we are to buy this, hopefully we'll see someone play the role a bit more serious and not as... familiar with Bond as Q. Then over.... the next 40 years... well he can grow old while Bond stays in his prime. I like it like that...

2 of the national reported today that The World is not Enough will be Q's last stand.

I briefly go over the article:

Desmond Llewelyn 84 the only actor to appear with all Bonds will make a short cameo in the next film alonside his replacement "R"!!!He will be a youthful weapons expert who will take Bonds technology into the new millennium. Hollywood execs demanded a script rewrite after the 1st draft had a large role for Q. The part was scaled down and "R" was created. The scriptwriters had to introduce the character because by the time the Bond film after this is shot Desmond will be 90 and may not want to do it anymore - No one has been cast as R yet!

The plot of Bond 19 focuses on a battle for control of the oil fields in the Caspian Sea. Pre title sequences will see a chase on the Thames that finishes in a fight on top of the Millenium Dome. Shooting starts in January and the female villan is called Electra King.

I know we already know some of this but "R" - I'm not so sure, after all there is only one Q!

Call me Quest..

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