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Who to play Anakin Skywalker next'

Folks the "Who will play Anakin Skywalker next" rumours are going to be friggin outrageous, but let's see what we have right now. It seems most people would give their eye teeth to have Russell Crowe play the guy, and most everyone doesn't want the... Dawson's Creek guy to have the part. Some have suggested Elijah Wood, and while I would just about geek out severly from that based on the concept that I could then say I've watched movies in the backyard with Anakin Skywalker... well, I just don't see that happening, though when I mentioned the idea to Elijah back when he was here in Austin.. He thought it would be 'cool', he collects vintage Star Wars toys and stuff. Well thus far those seem to be the major names, but well, we know there will be others like this one.

British actor Matthew Marsden told the press abourt a year ago that he was asked to audition for the part of the 20-to 30-something Anakin in the prequels.

A few months ago he suddenly left his role in the No1 rated "Coronation Street" and has not done anything since, except release a pop single, which was moderately successful, but I know that's not his "real" career and he's just taking advantage of downtime before a rumoured "big job" (!)

I think he's a contenderfort Anakin, particularly because his looks follow both Sebastian Shaw and mark Hamill to a degree, he's got great charisma on screen, and he's over 6 foot 4, unlike DiCaprio!


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