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Ving Rhames and another bit of Fiction?

Below is a report from this self styled "UNI-BALLER" hmmmm. Now, this "Uni-baller" evidently abducted Ving Rhames and forced him to talk about a sequel/prequel concept for Pulp Fiction. As you can see, vast amounts of information were to be had, and we were able to just Blow The Lid off the story. By the way, if you see some bizarre locations and statements below, well I added them to protect the spy's identity...

You can refer to me as the "uni-baller." Long story, don't ask. (HARRY NOTE: This wouldn't be a Big Red One joke would it)

Anyway I'm an employee of an undisclosed media outlet. Please respect my privacy. I need this stinking job. I work out of their Kallamazoo bureau in midtown Metropolis. We (me and my fellow uni-ballers) did an interview with Ving Rhames today about his upcoming movie on Don King. After the interview, a couple of us (militia guys) asked him about Pulp Fiction. He said he COULDN'T answer any of our questions regarding the movie. We asked why and he said "you'll see." We also asked him about the real meaning of the glow in the suitcase if it is a soul and the whole theory behind the band-aid on his neck and he said "I can't answer that right now. You'll see" We then said does this mean a sequel is on the way and his answer was "you'll see." That's all he could say. He was a really cool guy by the way. I live in a cardboard box on the corner of 45th and Yancy Street and in the spring and summer there is always movies being shot here. If you know of any and need any info let me know, I'll snoop for you.

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