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Cool Futurist Documentary Called FUTURE BY DESIGN trailer! Way Cool!

Hey folks, Harry here with something... very cool, by my estimation. In this day and age, where all the news seems to be doom and gloom - it's so very refreshing to see that a filmmaker like William Gazecki, Documentarian behind the excellent Oscar nominated documentary: WACO: THE RULES OF ENGAGEMENT, would turn his eye to a subject matter as blissfully hopeful as that which concerns the dreams, concepts and aspirations of 90 year old Jacque Fresco. Recently, I read that on Ray Bradbury's recent 86th birthday, that he wished that Los Angeles' nightmarish highways would be torn down and that the city would become linked by a massive Monorail system. I smiled, smiled because that is the dream. The dream that his generation... and that of Jacque Fresco, were brought up on. The dream of a better tomorrow. Our flying cars and jet packs, stackable housing and pnuematic communication. However, the conceit of tearing L.A.'s freeway system down... I just can't imagine, without a major Earthquake to help... that there would ever be a time, where that would be likely. Instead, I have to say I'm rather fond of Fresco's dream of a designed city - and I'm particularly in love with his ocean city designs. Is any of it practical? I'm sure he could convince any of us to the viability of his dreams, but personally - I'm dying to see this film and as a FANTASTIC FEST programmer - I wish I had known of this film... even just 3 weeks ago, so I could have pushed for it to play at Fantastic Fest. This trailer is just so much fun!

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