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Animation and Anime

IGNORE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Team Venture Meets Jonny Quest!! Behold The First New VENTURE BROS. Since July 16!!

I am – Hercules!!

The hilarious “The Venture Bros.,” maybe the best half-hour on TV right now, is back from an unpleasant hiatus with the episode we’ve all been waiting for: “20 Years Till Midnight”!!

In the middle of spring cleaning, Brock's discovery of a lost videotape from Jonas Venture Sr. sets Team Venture off on a global scavenger hunt for the hidden pieces of a fantastic and potentially deadly machine. But to save humanity from a terrible fate, they'll have to overcome death, drug addiction, Johnny Quest, and Professor Impossible--all under the watchful eye of the mysterious Grand Galactic Inquisitor.

10:30 p.m. Sunday. Cartoon Network.

The Venture Bros.: The Complete First Season $19.87!!

Return to the Planet of the Apes: The Complete Series $17.99!!

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