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Paul Haggis wants to make ENEMIES with Vince Vaughn!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. I'm no rabid anti-Paul Haggis person, but I wouldn't call myself a fan either. However, I'm insanely curious how he's going to adapt Richard Clarke's peek behind the curtain of Washington book, AGAINST ALL ENEMIES. Especially now that he's gunning for Vince Vaughn to play former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill. No offer has officially been made, but it seems Haggis has talked at length with Vaughn about this role. Hollywood Reporter mentions Sean Penn being a link between the two as Penn has been rumored to play Clarke himself in the film and has cast Vaughn in his drama, INTO THE WILD. I'd love to see Vaughn in a role like this, so hopefully the deal will go through. What are your thoughts?

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