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SAND & FOG director is a real GIVER!!!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with news on the goings on of Vadim Perelman, who directed THE HOUSE OF SAND AND FOG, a flawed, but ultimately pretty damn good movie (if I do say so myself). He was supposed to follow it up with a neutered version of Peter Straub and Stephen King's THE TALISMAN (stay tuned for further King news this morning), but thankfully that never happened.

He's now set to adapt and direct a Newbery Award-winning book called THE GIVER by Lois Lowry. The movie is about a 12 year old boy who inherits the role of The Giver in some future society. The Giver is the only being that holds the entire range of human emotions in this society. 20th Century Fox is putting up the bank and releasing the film. Sounds interesting. Any fans of the book out there that can fill us in on the particulars?

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