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Investigation on Pegasus!! BATTLESTAR GALACTICA 2.14!!

I am – Hercules!!

Tonight’s the night we learn why Apollo was all floaty in the lake while everybody else was busy trying to flip the resurrection ship’s “off” button.

Lee Adama is investigating the whacking of Pegasus commander Fisk, who apparently had heavy ties to a post-apocalyptic crime family.

What TV Guide is not telling you is this is the second episode in a row to flash back to Caprica. It turns out that Lee too had to deal with some dark and complicated components of his personal life just before the Cylons began dropping a-bombs.

Bill Duke, of “Karen Sisco” and “The Limey” fame, turns up. So does Richard Hatch as Tom Zarek.

Bandwidth. Predictions. Reactions.

10 p.m. Friday. SciFi.

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