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Scarlett (pant pant) Johanssen to join Batman, Wolverine & the Man Who Fell To Earth in THE PRESTIGE!

Harry here - as if THE PRESTIGE couldn't get more like its title, it goes and lands one of the hottest gimme gimme gimme girls in the biz - Scarlett Johanssen has been cast in Christopher Nolan's eagerly anticipated, by sane literate geeks, film based on the amazing novel THE PRESTIGE about a pair of dueling magicians, Tesla and really cool sparks. Joining Bowie, Jackman and Bale - this is really shaping up to be one of the coolest projects out there after THE FOUNTAIN.

Empire hit the story here first!

Scarlett Johanssen is set to join Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, and David Bowie in the cast of Nolan's film, not long after working with Jackman on Woody Allen's "Scoop". She plays a magician's assistant who works for both Jackman and Bale's characters.


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