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Movie News

The Man Who Fell To Earth Joins Batman And Wolverine in Nolan's THE PRESTIGE!!!

Hey folks, Harry here - Ahhhhhhh.... REALLY COOL NEWS!!!! If you read THE PRESTIGE, the novel by Christopher Priest then you know this is one of those Victorian tales that sweep you up in that age when technology felt like magic and magic felt otherworldly. We know that Christopher Nolan cast Bale and Jackman as each of the two competing magicians - but who is that Nolan has cast David Bowie as? Oh such is the delightful brilliance of this casting... Imagine Bowie, lit with arcing bolts of electricity that he delights in controlling. You see... this time Bowie plays Nikola Tesla!!! Can you imagine? What a fantastic bit of casting. Only the Man Who Fell To Earth could play the alien-esque wizardry of Nikola Tesla. If when you think of TESLA you think of a crazed dynamic metal band of the 80s - then you probably need to find a building to leap off of, or google Nikola Tesla and be amazed. To imagine a modern world without Tesla - is to imagine it with so many of the miracles we take for granted gone. And as a character - Tesla was a wizard. I can not friggin wait to see Bowie's take on the character. In my opinion this is easily one of the most exciting projects being made. I hope to God that everything goes smoothly on this and Nolan nails a great Victorian tale... so that we can see a great adaptation of LIST OF SEVEN or SHERLOCK HOLMES & THE VENGEANCE OF DRACULA. But that's probably just me.

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