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Movie News

Adjust that eye-patch, grab that shield, get your bow and gaze into the Eye of Agamotto to see what Marvel is up to!!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with an update, thanks to the Hollywood Reporter, of the subjects of the future Marvel movies. Some interesting choices here... CLOAK & DAGGER? Visually they'd be a great team to see in live action, but can they carry their own movie? DR. STRANGE has to be handled carefully. I love the character, but to pull off Dr. Strange outside of a comic book without being laughable will be a big challenge. If done right, it could be fantastic. The one I'm most excited about is THE AVENGERS! Anyway, read below for the Hollywood Reporter story!!!

The home to such superheroes as Spider-Man and The Hulk has tweaked its name and raised the $525 million it needs to become a producer of movies based on some of its 5,000 characters. Marvel Entertainment -- previously Marvel Enterprises -- is set to announce Tuesday its name change and completion of its loan package, and also will divulge that superheroes Captain America, the Avengers, Nick Fury, Black Panther, Ant-Man, Cloak & Dagger, Dr. Strange, Hawkeye, Power Pack and Shang-Chi will get the feature-film treatment. Paramount Pictures, under a deal announced in April shortly after Brad Grey took the helm of the studio, will distribute and market the films, the first of which will be released in 2008 or possibly sooner.

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