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ANIME AICN by Scott Green: Naruto, Beck, Monster, Princess Ai, and Samurai Gun

Anime Preview: Samurai Gun
To be released by ADV Films

When something seems to be going down a geek check list of what to integrate, the results can often be disastrous. Samurai Gun isn't going to be greeted with universal adoration, but is does fairly well juggling a number of violative elements.

The series has received uncommonly little buzz. Those who did catch the Japanese airing said they skipped the series after seeing an early episode. Apparently they didn't have the right geek sensibilities for it.

Think anime-scheme Kill Bill ultra-violence meets Tokugawa pulp Shadow, meets 70's mod private eye. Pulp masked champion heroics, matched with the flashy, violent attributes that brought people to anime with the likes of Ninja Scroll and be an interesting take on some of the classic standards in popular action fiction or it could be a compounded turn off. In terms of appeal, it doesn't map cleaning to another anime series or point of interest, but it if it sounds intriguing, you'll probably appreciate it, if not, maybe not.

Languishing in a dive lounge, conflicted about the necessities of their roles, the members of the Samurai Gun anti-samurai team wait for coded messages that will send them along their network on contacts and into combat. In masked armor, and wielding firearms the team fights abuses of the government and samurai.

With the likes of steam powered mad scientists at first glance it seems might of another adherent to the anachronistic samurai micro trends, but it owes as much to new vibrant retro of works like Re: Cuety Honey.
The look is the bright thick solids of Giant Robo/Ninja Resurrection team, meets some of the digital bends, and unnatural glows of Requiem from the Darkness.

While the action itself holds an adequate standing that is not too simplified or repetitive, the actual battles are less the focus than an aspect of the overall effort to create the series' odd melange effect. Events progress more along the lines of pulp ritual: penning a messages relaying information, preparing outfits.

The series possesses a cruel sexuality that fits the chained women of pulp fiction, and the bloodier violence of action horror anime, but it doesn't always sit easily. The intention is announced early on when the action opens with a running woman in an extreme wet tunic. She does not last long before ending arrow pierced, bleeding into a creek. Later women are generally the examples used in the torture or execution. Even when its more subtle the animation declares its intention with the likes of glowing blushes. The presence of naked woman covered in white goo dripped from eye studded read organisms in the end credit animation is far unexplained.

Manga Spotlight: Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad
Volume 1
By Harold Sakuiski

released by TOKYOPOP

Beck finds the meeting point in the energies of local band rock and shounen (male demographics) manga, funneling the spirit of shounen heroic advancement into a character driven, generally believable outlet. It's the perfect antidote to both manufactured reality show rock stories and the over-used situations of manga. The down to the earth tribute to unmanufactured individual expression, energy and attitude of a great local band with a mix of awkwardness and attitude that yields enough humor and drama to grab manga fans and non-fans alike. If you're going to try one new manga series this summer, pick Beck.

Harold Sakuiski stands at the high end of the spectrum in the abilities to stage scenes and construct dialog, but more significantly he's uncommonly good ay using illustration to convey charisma and personalities. Layered with a range of expressively cartooned faces, if you go through the first volume of Beck, and look at the characters eyes, you can see how the eyes of certain characters, chiefly the protagonist and those who are influencing his entrance in the world rock, seem to shine. Whether it is the wide eyed lead and the girl he's been friends with since youth, or the sleepy eyed local rock hero, its not just the structural expressiveness in which the personality is mirror on the face, it is certain individuals convey an energy through the pages.

Fourteen year old Yukio Tanaka has a dull life, the high light of which is watching girls' swim practice. He's nothing to look at. Nothing inspires him, so he's not really looking to do anything. If there's one thing he has going for him, it's that while he's not an alpha personality, or aggressively tough, by instinct he steps forward during confrontations. This trait leads him to a fateful meeting during a particularly bad day. After an outing watching his friend spend money he can't, Yukio gets beat up for defending an old lady against grifters, then attacked from saving a strange, patch-work dog (the titular Franken-mutt named Beck) from the children harassing the creature. While dealing with the dog incident, Yukio crosses paths with Ryusuke Minami, a built guy with long hair, and sleepy eyes, who's lived in America and had some brushes with musical success. Yukio reconnects with Izumi, a girl who shared a mutual crush years ago, who subsequently acquired a taste for good rock music. During a night on the town, the two meet up with Ryusuke, and between the influences of the two Yukio discovers rock music.

The first volume serves as an extended introduction, laying the character foundations. Built with unusually long chapters, Sakuiski strings situations with a more natural pacing than most periodical based series. Made better in that it doesn't go for the cheap problem extending plays often found in manga. It slowly takes Yukio to a critical development of Almost Famous moments of inspiration, kept at a more at a garage level. In it's own way it has style of rebellion and yeah, punch some one moments.

TOKYOPOP steps up to match the quality of the series. The different cultures and personalities of the characters are captured the dialogue, which maintains a natural flow. Very rare for a TOKYOPOP release, it handles the ancillary translations, such as signs and background writing. This, along with margin culture notes help to key in some of the series subtle, unimportant, but amusing background jokes, such as that the character's school history class seems to be focused on classic wrestling history. More rare, they translated most of the sound effect illustrations, either in the panels or the margins. (A number such as "silence", or "grin", show why translated sound effects are useful)

Manga Spotlight: Samurai Executioner
volume 4: Portrait of Death
by Kazou Koike and Goseki Kojima

released by Dark Horse

In Samurai Executioner, the creators of Lone Wolf and Cub continue to assert their dominance in historical action. Their care in creating and rendering brutal turns of crime and punishment is only matched by the detail in which they explore a historic era.

One impression to be struck by reading Samurai Executioner is that compared to other visual media, manga is comparatively unconstrained by budgets. Granted there's a systems of assistant workers that does effect the economy of creation, but staging the most elaborate scenes is more a function of skill and imagination than monetary input. Matching the full effect of the manga in cinema or television would be amazing.

Kazou Koike and Goseki Kojima immersive themselves into the landscape of Japan and of the Edo era, painting a big picture with attention to small details.

As with Lone Wolf And Cub, the action utilizes the lay of the land, time and place. With the use of empty space, manga can take short cuts, but on this work, every scene is someplace. There's always a setting that's captured in its full complexity, whether its natural or human architecture.

The volume opens with sandal prints tracking through snow covered fields as the series' legendary Decapitator Asaemon encounters a practice skirmish. During snow fall, it plays like a more brutal bad weather football game. From the characteristics of the wood sword motion, to the uneven spots in the field it works as a whole picture. The sampling of the faces, expressions, and scale all have a concrete, cinema quality where every face looks different, and has the expression in keeping with the moment.

Compared to its sibling series Lone Wolf and Cub, Samurai Executioner hasn't evolved in the twisting manner of its revenge epic brother, but four volumes in, it is no longer the shogun era Law and Order than it was in the earlier volumes. The series has gone from period criminology to expand its view to looking at how government policy has effected the historical era. Rather than looking at specific criminals, the incidents of brutality seem to be looking at the pathologies of the larger society: how the policies of a government whether capital punishment, under utilization of a distinct warrior class, or the free range of merchants create echos in the crimes being committed.

Beyond the distinction in executioner stations between Lone Wolf and Cub and Samurai Executioner (lone wolf's Ogami Itto was the executioner for ranking individuals who were allowed ritual seppuku suicide, samurai executioner's Asaemon is a sword tester that tries swords on the bodies of the common condemned), unlike Lone Wolf's purpose driven hero, Asaemon is a compassionate man dedicated to a brutal, compassionless job.

Where as Itto was a tool for attacking a plot's complexities, Asaemon is an instrument for examination. As much as he's burdened by his bloody work, he's burdened by the truth, the ability to see things as they are, and the compulsion to confront. reality Asked by a group of men he's briefly become close with as to how friendship and a warrior code and coexist, Asaemon responds that they cannot. One can't be willing to die his friend, and be a vassal. If a plot progression is developing in the series, its the toll the experiences take on Asaemon.

Manga Spotlight: Princess Ai
volume 2: Lumination
by Misaho Kujiradou, Courtney Love and DJ Milky

Released by TOKYOPOP

There's room for debate attributing how the explosive boom in interest in the manga can be distributed between to names, properties and franchises, characteristics of the medium and format. In the case of Princess Ai, the chief attraction is name, specifically Princess Ai, manga alter ego of famous performer Courtney Love (Ai being love in Japanese). Format, TOKYOPOP's three volume graphic novel series, comes second.

Despite kernel ideas with story potential, including the pitfalls of fame, Princess Ai comes across more as a not completely appealing exercise in multi-media property generation. Lack of the experience with the format, or a missing grasp on the details make this brand of endeavor look mildly entertaining, but nothing to get excited about. In the case of Princess Ai, there's high concept, a few ideas, and a number of well designed outfits, but the story skates across the themes rather than connecting the points. While not exactly mailed in, rushed or faked, there's room for a good shoujo series about fame and this isn't it. While readable, and distinctive, it teeters on pop culture tie in rather than a great showcase of manga in general or shoujo is specific.

The second of the three volume series is pure conflict. In the first volume Princess Ai, from Ai-Land fell to Tokyo's Shinjuku district. Chasing a thief who stole her special heart shaped box, she meets a new confidant in the handsome librarian Kent. Earning money by sining Ai quickly receives attention, and by the second volume she's recording albums for the outright villainous HTA talent agency.

A prominent problem is that TOKYOPOP's format of three volume original graphic series is a new model that the writers haven't completely adapted to yet. The number of elements introduced into the story, and pacing suggest a mind still set on a longer work. One effect is that the series looks better scripted than written. The story of a fantasy princess who falls to earth, and finds a home in an urban community, before her talents make her victim of a talent agency's manipulations seems like it would have something of offer if it wasn't jumping from phase to phase, punctuated by bombastic comments.

The first volume gradually introduced a number of elements, but the second rapidly picked up pace, suggesting movement towards quick and simple resolutions with switches rather than developments. For this series to work, the reader has to accept what's going on without questioning it, otherwise the speed and magnetite quickly engulf suspension of disbelief

The series does find some room for subtly and there are aspects that would be interesting to see developed, such as the fact that Ai's frustration with her situation gets exhibited as general unpleasantness for those who have to deal with her, but with three volumes to work with, it there seems to be a considerable danger that these finer points will just get dropped

Misaho Kujiradou handles the fashion aspects of the series well. Everything from the mundane outfits of the crowds to Ai's outlandish stage apparel look appealing and relevant. Her doll like forms work for the series' tone.

However, surprising in a shoujo illustrator, she has a real problem with faces. When an emotion needs to be conveyed, an eye goes in the wrong direction, mouth goes askew, and the faces looses its essential symmetry. In the way plenty of illustrators have flaws they have to work around, hands feets, postures, Kujiradou keeps faces as simple as possible, and uses blank, featureless faces when a scene can afford it.

It's odd that given that the series was intended for a North American release, a better way of handling sound effects illustrations couldn't have been found. As with TOKYOPOP's translated Japanese releases, sound effects are left in their original Japanese, without indication of meaning. Generally they can be interpreted form context, or in some cases shape, but there are several that require thought to interpret, which break the flow of reading.

Anime Spotlight: Rumiko Takahashi Presents Mermaid Forrest
Volume 1: Quest For Death

Released by Geneon

Rumiko Takahashi's lengthy and popular Inu-Yasha went into straight fantasy action as the series gelled, but early on it revived her strong work in horror. Mermaid Forrest faithfully re-animated the prolific manga creator's horror series as a follow-up to the Rumiko Takahashi Anthology animated drama short stories. Though the anime is missing some of the great visual story telling qualities of Takahashi's original, it is required viewing for Inu-Yasha fans looking for edgier work. It's a harder looking, and more tragic Takahashi, and one that is less wandering, consistently horror rather than cross genre.

Mermaid Forrest starts off with a great horror short that twists objects of cruelty. Takahashi builds her story around folklore, and its unforgiving world of rules and consequences, specifically the ecology of consumption between humans and mermaids. Legend has it that a human who eats the flesh of a mermaid will be granted immortality. The reality is more complex. The majority die a painful death. A few live on as deformed monstrosities. A rarer few are granted the promised curse of immortality. The further convolutions give the series plenty of its twists.

The plotting of the anime closely mirrors Takahashi's original, fitting the first short story into one episode and the longer second into two with efficient pacing. The animation yields more inconsistent results. The anime does carry the atmospheric and conceptual horror. The former isn't always easy considering the amount of sunlight in the story, but its use of isolated areas or outsider communities more than compensate.

Surprisingly, given the attributes of the media, though not the creator, the manga better invokes the shock of a moment Many of Takahashi's tricks in the original manga utilized her understanding of how comics are read, and weren't directly reproducible in anime. Panels transitions yielded deep punches from moments that could easily have gone flat in the hands of a less skilled illustrator. Some of these sharp moments from the manga pass as standards progressions of plot in the anime with no key direction to distinguish them, other just don't catch the right moment of revelation, or twist in action.

An addition problem with the anime adaptation is that it doesn't fall on the right side of the line between horror and silliness with the consistency of the manga. The deformed mermaid flesh victims are a particular problem. Where as the deep inks of the manga made them look like uncontrolled masses of muscle, in the anime their purple, bulging eyed form looks more comedic.

Naruto Release Dates

Popular ninja action series Naruto will debut on Cartoon Network's Saturday Toonami block September 10th at 9:00pm. Starting the 17th, the lineup will include One Piece at 9:30 and Bo-bobodo ato 10:30.

Anime on DVD's San Diego Comic-Con report states that Viz will be releasing individual DVDs of the Cartoon Network edit of the series starting in March 2006. Uncut packages of 13 episodes will be released starting in July 2006.

Live Action Monster and Naoki Urasawa News

Irresponsible Pictures points out a Box Office Prophets reports stated that New Line Cinema has hired John Olsen (A History of Violence) to script an adaptation of Naoki Urasawa's manga series Monster. Monster is a thriller drama about Japanese doctor who throws away his fast track advancement in a German hospital by saving the life of a child rather than operating on an influential figure. Years later, a series of mysterious deaths put his career back on track, and link to him to a string of murders.

Irresponsible Pictures also says that they've delayed their release of Naoki Urasawa's, which had previously been solicited for this summer, because Urasawa asked for the series to be released after Monster to show the development in his work.

Amazing Screw-On Head Update

From ComicsContinuum, Sci Fi Channel has released a logline for the pilot episode of the animated Amazing Screw-On Head, based on Mike Mignola's creation.

"A secret agent working for the U.S. government, Screw-On Head is a robot that screws his head onto a wide variety of bodies, and battles those who threaten our civilization. In the pilot, Screw-On Head faces off against his arch nemesis (and former manservant), Emperor Zombie."

Paul Giamatti provides the voice of Screw-On Head. The cast also includes David Hyde Pierce as Emperor Zombie; Molly Shannon as Screw's love interest, Patience the Vampire; Patton Oswalt as Mr. Groin, Screw's faithful manservant; and Mindy Sterling, who plays the dual roles of zombie henchwoman Aggie and Geraldine.

Produced by Kickstart Productions, the pilot was written by Bryan Fuller. Fuller and Jason Netter serve as executive producers, with Mike Mignola as art director. Chris Prynoski directs.

New Viz Licenses

Anime on DVD's San Diego Comic-Con reports, Viz will be starting a Shonen Jump Home Video line, launched 12/28/05 with Hikaru no Go, based on the popular manga following the compitions in the strategy game go. This release will be bilingual wiht a volume every 3 months with 4 episodes.

New licenses include Monkey Turn, MAR, Grandpa Danger and Crocket.

Gon Movie

Anime News Network reports diminutive, hot tempered dinosaur Gon will be adapted from Masashi Tanaka's silent manga to a theatric CGI movie by Sprite Animations Studios and Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within co-director Moto Sakakibara.
The movie is scheduled to be released in 2007.

Del Rey Basilisk Release

Irresponsible Pictures reports Del Rey announced at AnimeEXpo that they have delayed their release of ninja feud manga Basilisk to summer 2006 to synch with FUNimation's release of the anime.

Other upcoming Del Rey releases include Gacha Gacha (a split-personality comedy by the artist of Boys Be), Ghost Hunt (by the author of Twelve Kingdoms), Sugar Sugar Rune a magic girl series by Happy Mania?s Moyoco Anno and shounen rom-com Pastel.

ComicCon Pulse has some interesting comments in their post AnimeExpo wrap up here

Stand Alone Zeta Gundam Release

Bandai will be releasing Mobile Suit Zeta Gunda is separate volumes (previously releasing in a limited edition collection) start in October 25th.

Kakurenbo DVD Releases

Twitch reports the new Yamato Works studio's 25 minute short feature Kakurenbo will be released on R1 DVD on October 11th. A trailer can be seen here

Upcoming ADV Releases

  • 7/26
    • Marrying The Mafia (live action Korean comedy)
    • Yugo The Negotiator - Pakistan 1: Departure (1 of 4)
  • 8/2
    • Chrono Crusade: Hellfire (Volume 7 of 7)
    • Najica Blitz Tactics: Complete Collection
    • Sister Princess: Brother, Where Art Thou? (Volume 7 of 7)
  • 8/9
    • Gantz: Fatal Attractions (volume 7 of 10, first four episode volume)
  • 8/16
    • Cromartie High School: Mount Rockmore! (volume 4 of 4)
    • Gatchaman 3: Icebergs & Africa (of 18)
    • Gatchaman 4: Speed Racers & Neon Giants
    • Gatchaman Collection 2 (volumes 3 and 4 with extras disc)
    • Madlax: The In-Between (Volume 3 of 7)
    • Maburaho: The Witching Hour (volume 3 of 7)
    • Samurai Gun: Cocked and Loaded (volume 1 of 4)
  • 8/24
    • DNANGEL: The Light Breaks (Volume 7 of 7)
    • FINAL FANTASY: UNLIMITED Complete Collection

Final Fantasy: Unlimited
Set in the fantastical world popularized by the popular videogame of the same name, Final Fantasy: Unlimited is produced by the renowned GONZO Digimation (Full Metal Panic!, Gantz, Peacemaker) and directed by Mahiro Maeda (Animatrix - Second Renaissance, Blue Sub #6).

12 years ago, the gateway to another world suddenly appeared and two mysterious beasts of astonishing power awoke! The beasts appeared to destroy each other, leaving behind only a myriad of unanswered questions and the inexplicable Pillar of Darkness. Now, the twin children of two scientists who disappeared on that so-called Day of Conjunction set forth on a hazardous quest in search of their lost parents. Boarding a phantom subway, Ai and Yu travel to Wonderland, a chaotic world of amazing beauty and thrilling danger. Accompanied by Lisa, an enigmatic woman they meet on the train, and Kaze, a brooding stranger with a demon-summoning gun, the twins begin an incredible journey that will lead to the mysterious heart of Wonderland.

Najica Blitz Tactics
A nose for fine scents has made super-sexy Najica Hiragi?s world famous as a perfume designer, but it?s her nose for finding trouble has made her equally infamous as a secret agent who fights to save the world from depraved criminals and dangerous androids. While on a mission for the CRI intelligence agency, Najica rescues the Humaritt Lila, an android with super-human strength, but not a lick of common sense. Lila becomes Najica?s partner, and together they begin taking on the bad guys! But be warned, wherever Najica goes, large quantities of panty shots are sure to follow! For the ultimate in action, whether scented, scentless or indecent, don?t miss Najica!

Yugo The Negotiator
Yugo the Negotiator is an anime tour of the world?s hot spots, where terrorism is hatched and kidnappings are commonplace. Our hero is not a dashing spy or unstoppable soldier, but a globe-trotting negotiator whose mastery of multiple languages, psychology, and iron will set him apart from all others in his trade. Yugo the Negotiator strives for a degree of realism rare in anime.

Based upon the original manga by Shinji Makari and Shu Akana, Yugo the Negotiator breaks into a fresh new genre of anime by featuring a highly realistic storyline and setting. Sometimes, a strong wit and a sharp tongue are the deadliest weapons a soldier can wield.

A hostage has been taken in Pakistan; the chances of his survival are slim to none. With keen intellect, quick wits and indomitable willpower, Yugo Beppu has earned a reputation as the world?s leading private negotiator. When the negotiations in Pakistan break down, Yugo is called to the scene by the hostage?s beautiful daughter to deal with a fierce anti-government faction. Walking a dangerous line between the powerful military and ruthless guerrillas, it will take more than words for Yugo to survive in the blazing desert.

Anime Kintaro Delayed

Artsmagic has delayed their release of the first volume of Salaryman Kintaro to August 30th, and the second to September. The series about a thug who takes a strait job has also been adapted into live action movie by Takashi Miike (Ichi the Killer).

TOKYOPOP Licensing Updates?

Irresponsible Pictures has that the AnimeExpo revealed that the rights for the manga series Marmalade Boy, previously released by TOKYOPOP are now held by Viz.

The rights to the Sailor Moon manga is held up because a dispute between Naoko Takeuchi and the publisher.

New Dark Horse License and November Collections

Dark Horse comics is announcing at San Diego Comic-Con that they will be releasing Ghost in the Shell 1.5: Human-Error Processor in Spring 2006.

A limited comics series from manga legend Shirow Masamune. Human-Error Processor is a series of stories originally serialized as part of Ghost in the Shell 2 but not included by Shirow in the Ghost in the Shell 2: Man-Machine Interface collection. The stories are Fat Cat from 1991, Drive Slave from 1992, Mines of Mind from 1995, and Lost Past from 1996. This series will be presented in non-Westerized format (reading right to left), as originally published, in black-and-white with color

Reiko the Zombie Shop- The heroine?s name is Reiko; she is a necromancer who gets hired to bring folks back from the dead. Part Buffy, part Sixth Sense, and part Ringu... Reiko the Zombie Shop is horror, comedy, and drama. It?s outrageous, disturbing, and funny! Arrives December 2005.

Gungrave Anime Manga Created by Yasuhiro Nightow, creator of Trigun, the GungraveAnime Manga comes to you as a full-color adaptation of the popular anime. Arriving January 2006.

November collection releases include the first volume of Eden
Eden Volume 1: It's An Endless World! Tpb
Written and art by Hiroki Endo.
Eden Volume One is both a brilliant love song to the post-apocalyptic survival genre and the beginning of a deep exploration on man's role in the natural order. In the near future, a large portion of humanity is wiped out by a brutal, new virus that hardens the skin while dissolving internal organs. Those who aren't immune are either severely crippled or allowed to live with cybernetically enhanced bodies. Taking advantage of a world in chaos, a paramilitary force known as the Propater topples the United Nations and seeks world domination. Elijah, a young survivor searching for his mother, travels towards the Andes Mountains with an artificially intelligent combat robot. When he encounters a group of anti-Propater freedom fighters, a maelstrom of unique characters unfolds. Graphic, cyberpunk, and philosophical, Eden is a place where endearing heroes face a constant struggle for survival and violent surprises wait around every corner!
216 pages, black and white, $12.95, in stores on Nov. 2.

Club 9 Volume 4 Tpb
Written and art by Makoto Kobayashi.
Haruo Hattori's a country-fried cupcake, the sweetest dish at Club 9, the most happening hostess bar in Tokyo's notorious Ginza district. She's staying true to her fella back home, but her guileless beauty is one major bull's-eye for some of Tokyo's most eligible bachelors, including a down-on-his-luck baseball superstar, one of the country's hottest manga artists, and a bonafide super-rich playboy with fast-track matrimony on his mind. And with her boyfriend off to Europe to study for the next few years, will poor Haruo be able to stave off this onslaught of affection? Collecting stories from Super Manga Blast! issues #37-#46.
200 pages, black and white, $15.95, in stores on Nov. 2.

Oh My Goddess! Colors Tpb
Written and art by Kosuke Fujishima.
Oh My Goddess! Colors is Dark Horse's English-language edition of a special collection first published in Japan. What's inside? Original publisher Kodansha, working with artist Kosuke Fujishima, produced color versions of four of the best-loved stories from the series, each centering on one of the goddesses. "The Number You Have Dialed Is Incorrect" is the one which started it all, as Belldandy appears when Keiichi reaches The Goddess Technical Help Line. Belldandy's big sister Urd becomes small in "Urd's Fantastic Adventure," and in "Crazy Little Thing Called Love," Skuld, the youngest of the sisters, wobbles through her first romance while learning to ride a bicycle. Finally, "Are You Being Served?" brings in the Fourth Goddess, the vampish Peorth, when Keiichi misdials again to reach Belldandy's rival agency...the Earth Assistance Hotline!

In addition to the four color stories, the Oh My Goddess! Colors collection contains a bonus original manga story by Fujishima fan Yoshitou Asari. And if that doesn't do the trick, Kosuke Fujishima weighs in with an eight-page profile of the Goddesses. Plus, an eighteen-page "Encyclopedia of Goddess Terminology," cross-referencing the people, places, and events of the first twenty-two volumes of OMG!, four pages on the cars, bikes, and planes of the series, the two-page "Rules of the Goddess' World," and a six-page thumbnail guide to the OMG! story chapters. Oh My Goddess! Colors is the ultimate official fan companion to the manga series!
192 pages, black and white, $19.95, in stores on Nov. 2.

Trigun Maximum Volume 7: Happy Days Tpb
Written and art by Yashuhiro Nightow.
192 pages, black and white, $9.95, in stores on Nov. 2.

Official Japanese Sites

From Anime News Network The official site for mecha-racing anime IGPX from Production I.G / Cartoon Network / Bandai Entertainment is online at

The sites for the movies adaptions of CLAMP's recent sibling works xxxHolic and Tsubasa Chronicle are online.

The Bandai Digital Beat now has a trailer online for the fifth and final episode of Yukikaze, to be released in Japan on August 26th here

Trailers for the new Sekai no Senki III can be see in low and high resolution

Upcoming Oshii Projects

From TwitchFilm
Production I.G's forum new title Eru No Ran from Kenta Fukasakus will be written by Mamoru Oshii, who will aso be helping with the CGI. It was also reiterated that Oshii is looking to stay away from additional Ghost in the Shell movies in favor of "different challenges".

According to AnimeNation the Eru No Ran is based on the nine day long riot that occurred in Kamagasaki, Osaka in 1990.

Brian Ruh sent Twitch information of Mamuro Oshii's new project Open Your Mind (Mezame no Hakobune). The feature will be released in R2 DVD August 24th. It will present the multimedia installation Oshii has at the Aichi Expo currently going on in Japan just outside of Nagoya.

According to the Expo's website on Oshii's exhibit: "Through the use of one of the world's largest floor video screens (roughly 600 m2), visitors will be able to stand on the floor and walk through an experiential video space. Video images will be presented on the walls and overhead as well, so visitors will enjoy being able to freely alter their visual perspective, and the combination of audio will make this a moving experience for the human senses." So of course the DVD will not even come close to the sensory immersion of actually being there but it'll certainly be an interesting visual experience regardless." See here.

The poster can be seen here

ADV Bittorrents Promos

Anime on DVD reports ADV is testing a bittorrent (a peer-to-peer system of effectively sharing bandwith) distributed promo for Madlax at here

More Guests for Otakon

Anime News Network report Otakon has announced that Fullmetal Alchemist director Seiji Mizushima, Gainax founder Masao Maruyama, character designers Yoshinori Kanemori and Toshihiro Kawamoto will be guests at Otakon this year.

Mai Hime News

Anime News Network reports that Weekly Shonen Champion Issue 32, on sale July 7 included the final installment of the Mai-HiME manga. The 4th tankoubon volume of Mai-HiME was released on Friday.

Preview art of the anime sequel My Otome can be seen online at here

The first series has recently been licensed by Bandai for a North American release.

New Digital Manga Titles

AnimeNation reports Digital Manga will be releasing Yoshitoshi ABe's Serial Experiments Lain "yoshitoshi ABe lain illustrations ab# rebuild an omnipresence in wired".

"Pen & Ink" how to book will look at the techniques of Yasuhiro Nightow, Oh Great!, and Satoshi Shiki" It goes on sale in May 2006 for $19.95

  • New Manga Titles
  • Il Gato Sul G - Tooko Miyagi
  • Sweet Revolution - Yukine Honami and Serubo Suzuki
  • My Only King - Hoshino Lily
  • The Art of Loving - Eiki Eiki
  • Almost Crying - Takahashi Mako
  • Novel
  • Only the Ring Finger Knows - Satoru Kannagi
  • ADV Talks Anime Expo Announcements

    ADV made a number of important announcements at the AnimeExpo convention. Among the highlights are the Adult Swim?s plan to broadcast Neon Genesis Evangelion the greatest anime series of all time; Chrono Crusade and Peacemaker?s new home on Showtime; and ADV?s acquisition of the "live action" comedy phenomenon The Fuccons.

    David Williams announced several new title acquisitions, the first of which was The Fuccons, a surreal comedy series of shorts from Japan that defies categorization.

    Shot in live action, The Fuccons? cast consists entirely of mannequins - and that?s just the beginning of the weirdness. Known in Japan as "OH! Mikey," The Fuccons portrays the misadventures of a young American boy named Mikey, who moves to Japan with his somewhat demented parents. The off-kilter comedy has become a pop culture phenomenon in Japan, where there are now even Fuccon-themed restaurants and loads of licensed merchandise. ADV did not announce a specific release date for the DVD series, but the official ADV Fuccons website, with original trailers and background on the series, is set to go live soon.

    ADV announced its acquisition of the action anime Shadow Skill, the 26 episode series based upon a hit video game. ADV also announced its acquisition of the original Macross series. Macross is best known in North America as the first leg of the enormously successful Robotech Trilogy, also released on home video by ADV. Although the series has been previously released in a subtitled edition through another distributor, ADV will be joining forces with master licensor Harmony Gold to expand the scope of the Macross release, with plans in the works to re-dub the entire series in English.

    Chrono Crusade and Peacemaker to Showtime, Neon Genesis Evangelion to Adult Swim

    Finally, the ADV representatives were pleased to announce that, in addition to their ongoing broadcast distribution of hundreds of ADV titles via the Anime Network, deals have been signed with both Cartoon Network?s Adult Swim and Showtime to bring ADV?s hit series to an even wider audience. Showtime has taken delivery of masters for two of ADV?s most current hits, Chrono Crusade and Peacemaker, while Adult Swim is set to begin broadcasting one of the all time gems in the ADV catalog, the original Neon Genesis Evangelion.

    In Other News

    • This fall Newtype USA will begin serializing the much-anticipated Neon Genesis Evangelion: Girlfriend of Steel manga, which will be retitled Evangelion: Angelic Days. The manga is based on the popular Girlfriend of Steel 2 videogame.
    • ADV will release the first volume of Legend of Moby Dick in November 2005. The exact title of the ADV release is subject to confirmation.
    • ADV has acquired Vermillion Pleasure Nights, a live action sketch comedy series from Japan.
    • G4 - videogame tv is set to broadcast the ADV Films series Colorful.
    • In September ADV will release the dub version of Sakura Diaries with previously missing footage.
    • ADV announced that the long-awaited second volume in the critically-acclaimed series Princess Tutu will be released this fall.
    • ADV will begin releasing the second season of the fan-favorite series Kaleido Star this winter.

    Yamato Figures News

    Upcoming releases from YamatoUSA
    July Pre-orders include:

    Geneon Entertainment has announced the awarding of the non-exclusive, miniature figure license for Samurai Champloo to Yamato USA, a leader in the collectible figures market.

    Yamato USA is currently accepting retailer pre-orders through its distribution partners for its SIF: Samurai Champloo Miniature Trading Figure Twin Packs with a scheduled Winter release. Each twin pack will consist of one 4" scale miniature trading figure and one figural bust magnet, retailing for $11.99. Prototypes will be on display at the Yamato USA booth during the Comic Con International from July 14 - 17.

    Digimon Movie on Jetix and Toon Disney

    Anime News Network reports Digimon 02: Revenge of Diabormon will air on Toon Disney on August 5, 2005 at 7:00 PM and on ABC Family Jetix on August 6, 2005 at 9:00 AM.

    Upcoming Collections

    From Anime on DVD The Avenger Complete Collection will be released on October 25th for $29.98.
    The first collection of Scryed will will released 10 episodes September 27th for $39.98.

    FUNimation will be releasing Blue Gender Complete Collection will retail at $59.98 on October 11th. The first collection of Dragon Ball GT will be releasing on October 18th for $59.98.

    World Animation

    From TwitchFilm Twitch has reviewed Michel Ocelot?s African based Kirikou and the Sorceress here and a trailer for Kirikou And The Wild Beasts can be seen here

    The official Aron Gauder's Hungarian animated feature Nyócker (The District) about youth conflicts an Budapest is online at with trailers here, here, here and a formal one here

    The official synopsis descines the movie as:

    "The kids of the district grew up in constant rivalling and fights as their Gypsy, Hungarian, Arab, and Chinese families engage in everyday hostility. Yet Richie, the youngest of the Lakatos clan attempts to find a way to pacify the Csorba family, and especally their lovely daughter, Jules. As he soon reveals, the way to peace is through money, and that the only way to make money is to have oil. So the kids take a timetrip to the prehistoric age, and create their own oil reserves right under the district. After their return the exploitation of oil begins, radically changing the stance both in the school and in the general criminal environment of the area. And their sudden success draws some unwanted international attention to the district..."

    Transformers Names and Dates

    DreamWorks and Paramount Pictures announced that Michael Bay will be directing the live action/CGI version of Transformers, sechduled for a July 4th, 2007 release. Steven Speilberg will be executive producer of the film.

    From Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci's comments on ComingSoon

    "'Transformers' is very tricky, because it's a movie based on a toy line," Kurtzman told us, when asked about how hard it might be to turn the Hasbro toys into a feature film. "The first question you have to ask yourself is what's the movie? We sat down with Steven Spielberg, and we said that the action scenes in this movie are a given, but he said that that it's the story of a boy and his car and that he wants to bring back the old Amblin movies. It's 'Back to the Future'...great! We're in! It's a real challenge, because the key to making those movies work--and I totally think it's why 'War of the Worlds' works so well--is to be so invested in the people and to maintain the subjectivity of the humans. If you start 'Transformers' with giant robots sitting in a spaceship flying through space, your movie is dead in the water. It's all about keeping it at a human level, and seeing the amazing things that are going on through the eyes of the characters."

    "The staple characters: Optimus Prime, Megatron, Soundwave, Shockwave, Starscream, Jazz," Kurtzman replied. "There's going to be a lot of them. You're going to have ten Transformers in that movie, and if that's not enough, you can go see 2, 3, 4 or 5."

    ICV Looks at Now Manga Consortium

    ICV2 reports that the ICE Kunion imprint, a consortium of Korean publishers including Sigongsa, Seoul Cultural that will be releasing Korean manwha comics in North America plans to launch its line in October with four titles and follow up by releasing two new series titles per month for the rest of 2005.

    The first four titles have been shoujo-style comics from top five or better sellers in Korea. Angel Diary, touted as the #1 title in Korea, is a wacky comedy/fantasy from the same creative team responsible for Demon Diary, which performed very well here in the States for Tokyopop. The second ICE Kunion title, Chocolat, is a romantic comedy about fan clubs and the idol singers they adore, while the third volume announced, The 11th Cat, is a magical girl saga about a young witch in training and her feline companion. The fourth new ICE Kunion title, Bring It On, is the romantic story of a tomboy's first relationship.

    September Manga Premieres (and Significant Releases)


    By The Sword Manga Vol 2 Tp
    resolicited after being canceled. volumes 1 will be relreased again.
    Fluid linework with a shonen-ai edge give this action manga something for everyone. The demon hunter Asagi has searched the land for a magical sword that can handle his special force, which destroys ordinary swords. So his quest begins....

    Gunslinger Girl Manga Vol 3 Tp (of 3)
    Written and illustrated by Yu Aida
    resolicited after being canceled. volumes 1 and 2 will be relreased again.

    Broccoli International USA INC

    Galaxy Angel #6 Gn


    Chikyu Misaki Vol. 1
    Written and illustrated by Iwahara Yuji
    CMX. Schoolgirl Makishima Misaki?s life is about to get a lot more complicated in this first volume of an exciting new title! She has inherited the house that belonged to her maternal grandfather, in a small, quiet, snowy town that boasts its own local legend, the Hohopo. Moving into the house with her klutzy widower father, she soon makes new friends - including one very unusual friend: the Hohopo itself, a shape-shifting creature who looks like a small Loch Ness Monster...when he?s not masquerading as the boy next door!
    On sale Sept 14 * 5" x 7.375" * 196 pg, B&W, $9.99 US * TEEN

    Pieces Of A Spiral Vol. 1
    Written and illustrated by Tachibana Kaimu
    CMX. Sakuya and Wakyo are reincarnated and reunited only to discover that Bishu-sama - their master and mentor from a past existence - is in their midst and in grave danger from vengeful demons! Still unsure of their own powers and the nature of their cunning and elusive enemy, they must race against time to rescue Bishu from the dark forces that roil within his reincarnated form. On sale Sept 8 * 5" x 7.375" * 200 pg, B&W, $9.99 US * TEEN

    Dark Horse (October)

    Berserk Volume 9 Tpb
    Kentaro Miura (W/A)
    On sale October 12, SC, 240pg, b&w, 5" x 7", $13.95

    Hellsing: Impure Souls Anime Manga tpb
    Kohta Hirano (W/A)
    On sale October 26, SC, 160pg, FC, 5" x 7", $14.95
    A secret war brews in the night-a war where humanity is only a pawn. The Hellsing Organization deploys in the shadows to protect the mortal world. But now, artificially spawned vampires have appeared, forcing Hellsing to call in their ultimate weapon-the rogue vampire, Alucard! We present Hellsing: Impure Souls Anime Manga, adapted from the popular anime series, now in book form for your sustained joy and dread.

    Oh My Goddess Volume 1 Tpb
    Kosuke Fujishima (W/A)
    On sale October 12, SC, 192pg, b&w, 5" x 7", $10.95
    Alone in his dorm on a Saturday night, Nekomi Tech?s Keiichi Morisato dials a wrong number that will change his life forever-reaching the Goddess Technical Help Line. Granted one wish by the charming young goddess Belldandy-a wish for anything in the world-Keiichi wishes she would stay with him always! Complications are bound to ensue from this; the immediate first being the new couple getting tossed out of the dorm-it?s males only! As the hapless student and his mysterious "foreign beauty" ride around looking for a new place to stay-risking the different dangers of seeking shelter with an otaku convinced Belldandy is an imaginary woman, and a Zen priest convinced she?s a sinister witch-Keiichi?s still got his classes on Monday morning! How is his new "exchange student" companion going to be received on the N.I.T. campus? A little too well for normal life to ever return ...

    Samurai Executioner Volume 8 Tpb
    Kazuo Koike (W) And Goseki Kojima (A)
    On sale October 12, SC, 304pg, b&w, 4" x 6", $9.95

    Del Rey

    Ghost Hunt Volume 1 Gn
    An exciting addition to Del Rey?s successful manga line draws on the currently hot Japanese horror film genre. A group of young students gather in an empty school to trade ghost stories and investigate very real eerie occurrences!
    SC, 5x7, 200pgs, B&W SRP: $10.95

    Sugar Sugar Rune Volume 1 Gn
    Japan?s answer to Sabrina the Teenage Witch! Chocolat and Vanilla are young witch princesses from a magical land. They?ve come to Earth to compete in a contest: whichever girl captures the most hearts will become a queen! Standing against them are a pair of rival princes looking to capture their hearts because they want to be kings! SC, 5x7, 200pgs, B&W SRP: $10.95

    Digital Manga Publishing

    Alone In My Kings Harem
    by Lily Hoshino
    Alone in my Kings Harem is a collection of short stories written and illustrated by one of Japans leading yaoi artist, Lily Hoshino. Her grace and talent will lead you to explore what yaoi is truly about-fantasy. A prince put under a spell; a circus acrobat finding comfort in the arms of another; and a concubine who never fails to stop loving his king even when he becomes blinded by ambition. Alone in my Kings Harem is yaoi at its best. Mixed with the traditions of magic, romanticism, and royalty, it deliver complex stories of seduction and love.
    B&W, 192pgs, $12.95

    Princess Ninja Scroll Tenka Musô
    by Akane Sasaki
    In the 16th century, the evil Nobunaga rampages across the land in pursuit of the "Tenka Musô?s" limitless power. When his vicious troops arrive at a simple village, caught in the middle is Han, teen slacker and assistant to the village baker. Han soon reveals herself as Hattori Hanzo; a skilled 18-year-old ninja trapped in the body of a 13-year-old?s body. Infuriated at Nobunaga?s brutality, she vows to take the fight to its source, finish what Nobunaga started and send him where he belongs. An epic series inspired by the true life events of Japan?s greatest ninja, accomplished samurai, and a source of inspiration for Quentin Tarantino?s Kill Bill!
    B&W, 200pgs, $12.95

    Drawn & Quarterly

    Push Man & Other Stories Hc
    by Yoshihiro Tatsumi & Adrian Tomine
    Collecting legendary cartoonist Yoshihiro Tatsumi's short stories about Japanese urban life. Tatsumi is the grandfather of alternative manga for the adult reader, whose stories are simultaneously haunting, disturbing, and darkly humorous, commenting on the interplay between an overwhelming, bustling, crowded, modern society, and the troubled emotional and sexual life of the individual.
    HC, 6x8, 309pgs, B&W SRP: $19.95


    Mantis Woman Volume 1 Gn (re-release) Get ready for spine-tingling chills in this creepy anthology filled with ghoulish neighbors, a supernatural serial killer, and other creatures feasting on fear and blood. Pity any innocent bystander that stumbles across their paths, for her life will be forever altered, that's if she even survives!

    ,p>Last Gasp Inc

    Pure Trance Gn
    by Junko Mizuno
    Cute, dark, and alluring, Pure Trance breaks every stereotype of girls' manga. In this dreamy science fiction fantasy, Junko Mizuno illustrates a story full of catfights, alien safari adventures, evil experiments, and a girl who dreams of becoming a pop idol signer. Following the Third World War, humankind left the toxic surface of the Earth and built an underground city to survive. A serious social problem has emerged in this new society: hyperorexia, or severe overeating, a side effect of the "Pure Trance" life-sustaining pill.
    SC, 192pgs, B&W SRP: $19.98


    I Luv Halloween Volume 1 Gn (of 3)
    Author: Keith Giffen
    Art By: Ben Roman

    Dramacon Volume 1 Gn (of 3)
    Author: Svetlana Chmakova
    When manga writer Christie settles in the artist alley of her first ever anime convention, she sees it as an opportunity to promote the comic she had started with her boyfriend. But when a mysterious cosplayer sweeps Christie off her feet, her life is suddenly filled with the excitement and spontaneity of a new love. But what do you do when you fall in love with someone who is going to be miles away from you in just a couple of days?

    Kingdom Hearts Volume 1 (of 4)
    By: Shiro Amano
    Sora is a 14-year-old boy whose world is shattered when a violent storm hits his island- paradise home. Separated from his two closest friends, Sora is ushered into an unknown world, where he meets Court Wizard Donald and Captain Goofy-protectors of the Disney Castle-who are on a mission to find King Mickey. The three learn of the Heartless, ominous creatures that are responsible for the devastating storm. Sora, Donald and Goofy join forces to recover Sora?s friends, return the king to his rightful position and save the universe from the Heartless!

    Lights Out Volume 1 Gn (of 9)
    By: Myung-Jin Lee
    Gun has always been a problem kid, but after a tearful plea from his mom, he decides to turn over a new leaf. Vowing to abandon fighting and troublemaking, Gun transfers to a new high school, attempts to be a good student, and rents a room at the local coed dorm. There he falls for Seung-Ah, the dorm owner?s granddaughter. However, love is not to be for this couple, as sexy Ji-Ae?s untimely advances always thwart his attempts to woo the innocent Seung-Ah.

    Steady Beat Volume 1 Gn (of 3)
    Art By: Rivkah
    "Love Jessica"... That?s what Leah finds on the back of a love letter to her sister. But who is Jessica? When more letters continue to arrive, along with flowers and other gifts, Leah goes undercover to find out her sister?s secret. What she doesn?t expect is to discover a love of her own in a very surprising place!

    Story: Tatsuya Hamazaki
    Art by: Rei Izumi
    3 Volumes, 584 page.
    Set (x3) $24.99

    Cowboy Bebop Volume 1-Reissue
    SC, 5x7, 192pgs, B&W $9.99

    GTO - V1 DVD & Manga Bundle
    By Tohru Fujisawa
    Meet Eikichi Onizuka, a 22-year old college karate champ and ex-biker. He?s crude, foul-mouthed, and has a hair-trigger temper. Just the sort of guy you?d expect to see going back to school ... to become a teacher!

    Pita-Ten - Box Vol. 1 - 4
    by Koge Donbo
    768pgs, $29.99

    CLAMP No Kiseki: The Ultimate Collection Volume 4
    by CLAMP
    32pgs, $29.99

    Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Volume 1 (Novel)
    by Gotoh Ryu, Hajime Yatate, Yoshiyuki Tomino
    Cosmic Era 71. It has been eleven months since ZAFT and the Earth Alliance opened hostilities⦠On January 20th, deep within the neutral colony of Heliopolis, five prototype Gundam mobile suits are secretly unveiled. Only five days later, four of the five mobile suits are seized by ZAFT commandos in a brutal attack that destroys the colony. Now itâ?s up to Kira Yamato, a young Coordinator caught in the middle, to pilot Strike, the last mobile suit, and protect the ones he loves. Check out the novelization of the hit TV series!
    192pgs, $7.99

    Viz Media LLC

    Fullmetal Alchemist Volume 1 Novel
    by Makoto Inoue
    An original story translated from the Japanese! The Elric brothers travel to the ghost town of Xenotime-once a prosperous mining town, now slowly sinking beneath the drifting sands. To save their town, the inhabitants of Xenotime have hired two of the world's most powerful alchemists to create a Philosopher's Stone...and when the Fullmetal Alchemist and his brother meet them, sparks are going to fly. How can there be *two* sets of alchemists named Edward and Alphonse Elric? Plus a bonus story, "The Horror in Warehouse 13"!
    SC, 240pgs, B&W SRP: $9.99

    Ghost In The Shell 2: Innocence Volume 1 Novel
    by Masaki Yamada
    It is 2032, and the hulking cyborg counterterrorist Batou, veteran of a hundred urban black ops in Public Security Section 9, lives deadly and miserable between the cornershops where he haggles with holograms over dog food, and the towering rubble of skyscrapers above, gutted in suicide bombings and never rebuilt. Now he has only his job and his beloved Basset hound, Gabriel. SC, 264pgs, B&W SRP: $19.99

    Socrates In Love
    Volume 1 Novel
    by Kyoichi Katayama
    A sweet high school romance between an average guy and a beautiful girl has just gotten underway. But tragedy ensues when the girl falls ill with leukemia. A bittersweet tale of young love, enduring devotion, and heartbreaking loss, Socrates in Love is a story to cherish and nurture.
    SC, 208pgs, B&W SRP: $17.99

    Art Of Shonen Jump One-Piece Color Walk Volume 1
    by Eiichiro Oda
    Drool over the images in Eiichiro Oda's ONE PIECE COLOR WALK 1. The art book includes original color images from the popular manga, One Piece. See King-of-the- Pirates wannabe Luffy and his crew - thief Nami, swordsman Zolo, liar Usopp and chef Sanji - and the enemies they encounter on their quest amid the high seas - Buggy the Clown, Captain Kuro, Don Krieg, Mihawk, Arlong and more! SC, 110pgs, FC SRP: $14.99

    Death Note Volume 1 Tp
    by Tsugumi Ohba & Takeshi Obata
    Light tests the boundaries of the Death Note's powers as L and the police begin to close in. Luckily Light's father is the head of the Japanese National Police Agency and leaves information about the case lying around the house. With access to the files, Light can keep one step ahead of the authorities. But who is the strange man following him, and how can Light guard against enemies whose names he doesn't know? Rating: T+ SC, 5x7, 200pgs, B&W SRP: $7.99

    Midoris Days Volume 2 Gn
    by Kazurou Inoue

    Naoki Urasawas Monster Volume 1 Tp
    by Naoki Urasawa
    Brilliant doctor Kenzo Tenma risks his reputation and promising career to save the life of a critically wounded young boy. Unbeknownst to him, this child is destined for a terrible fate. Conspiracies, serial murders, and a scathing depiction of the underbelly of hospital politics are all masterfully woven together in this compelling manga thriller. Rating: T+ SC, 5x7, 224pgs, B&W SRP: $9.99

    Socrates In Love Volume 1 Tp
    by Kyoichi Katayama
    A sweet high school romance between an average guy and a beautiful girl has just gotten underway. But tragedy ensues when the girl falls ill with leukemia. A bittersweet tale of young love, enduring devotion, and heartbreaking loss, Socrates in Love is a story to cherish and nurture. Rating: T+
    SC, 5x7, 192pgs, B&W SRP: $8.99

    Viz will also be re-releasing horror titles Blood: The Last Vampire 2002 Gn by Benkyo Tamaoki and Junji Ito's Gyo and Uzumaki series.

    Patlabor Set Pricing

    Central Park Media is rewarding fans of the classic mecha anime Patlabor The Mobile Police - The TV Series by re-pricing the first two box sets, each for just $39.95 SRP. Involving some of the top talents behind Ghost in the Shell and Record of Lodoss War, Patlabor The Mobile Police- The TV Series box sets are an excellent addition to a new or established DVD library. Both DVD collections are four-disc sets?and for a price of only $39.95 SRP each.

    The DVDs will have audio tracks in both English and Japanese with English subtitles,street date of August 30, 2005.

    Patlabor:The Mobile Police/The TV Series: DVD Collection Volumes 1-4 Featuring some of the top talents in Japanese animation! Mamoru Oshii (Ghost in the Shell), Yutaka Izubuchi (Record of Lodoss War), Kazunori Ito (Maison Ikkoku), and Akemi Takada (Kimagure Orange Road).

    It's the not-too-distant future, and girl-next-door Noa Izumi is starting her job as a pilot for the police force's famous giant robots. Within a matter of days, she's faced with a pack of crazy crewmates and the adventure of a lifetime! Contains episodes 1-18 on 4 DVDs.

    DVD Features: Behind-the-Scenes Video, Fan Voiceover Contest Results, Text Interview with the Screenwriter, Art & Sketch Gallery, Trailers, English & Japanese with English Subtitles, and DVD-ROM Features.
    Running time: Approx. 440 min
    UPC: 7-19987-22722-4

    Patlabor:The Mobile Police/The TV Series: DVD Collection Volumes 5-8
    From Mamoru Oshii, director of Ghost in the Shell.

    Contains episodes 19-34 on 4 DVDs.

    DVD Features: Behind-the-Scenes Video, Fan Voiceover Contest Results, Text Interview with the Screenwriter, Art & Sketch Gallery, Trailers, English & Japanese with English Subtitles, and DVD-ROM Features.
    Running time: Approx. 400 min
    SRP: $39.95

    Serialized Monthly Manga Strip in CosmoGIRL

    TOKYOPOP announced that teen magazine CosmoGIRL will serialize a monthly manga from Svetlana Chmakova (creator of TOKYOPOP?s upcoming release of Dramacon) startin in the newly released August issue.

    Geneon Release News

    Geneon has moved box set collection of fight anime Ikki-Tousen to September 27th.

    October 4th Box set collections include:

    Tsukihime, Lunar Legend: Tsukihime Complete Box, Volume 1-3 ($89.98, 325 minutes) The ability to see the threads that bind e

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