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I am – Hercules!!

We Americans get to see “Justice League” 4.9 Saturday night, but the horrible Canadians have already seen 4.9, 4.10, 4.11, 4.12 and 4.13!

“JediShaft” reviews what may be the end of the “Batman: The Animated Series” universe:

What's it called?

What's it about?
Fifty years in the future, the history of the Justice League is the Key to Batman’s darkest secret… and his final destiny.

Fifty years?? Isn’t that even past Batman Beyond?
Sort of, it’s way past the end of the BB series. This feature a grown up Terry McGinnis aka Batman Beyond. He is Maybe 12-15 years beyond the show.

This is sound a bit like the end of Enterprise.
Yes it does, and is only less offensive because this is not the series end.

So what does this have to do with the Justice League, with Cadmus, Brainiac, Lex Luthor???
More then you’d think, less then you’d like.

Is the League even in the episode?
Yup, the Justice League is seen in two different versions: A near present team up and the Future Justice League Unlimited team.

Does this wrap up all the unfinished business of the Justice League? Who ends up with whom, Green Lantern/Hawkgirl/Vixen, Bruce and Diana, did the Flash ever get a date? How about what form did the League take after the Last epic episode?
No, no, and no.

Are their even any villains?
Yup, a couple of groups.

What's good?
“Bruce’s DNA was easy enough to obtain, he left it all over town… Not remotely what I meant!”, “…You don’t have his magnificent brain.”, “…love you too.”

What's not good?
Terry having an episode long hissy fit. I still don’t know what the heck was going on with the black and white sections… Was that what happened or was that what he was thinking about doing? That this could have been the big end for the Dini/Timmverse.

How does it end?
Invisotext time:
“Just like my old man”
And then a nice homage to where this all started.

“JediShaft” rating for “Justice League” 4.13?

The Hercules T. Strong Rating System:
***** better than we deserve
**** better than most motion pictures
*** actually worth your valuable time
** as horrible as most stuff on TV
* makes you quietly pray for bulletins

Were Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader two different people in the early drafts of “The Empire Strikes Back”? All is revealed in The Annotated Screenplays (Star Wars, Episodes IV-VI)

Look! A fabulous new book co-edited by big-deal "Buffy"-"Firefly"-"Gilmore Girls" TV writer Jane Espenson. She introduces each of the essays, and the whole book besides: Finding Serenity : Anti-Heroes, Lost Shepherds and Space Hookers in Joss Whedon's Firefly

Superman: True Brit by John Cleese

Now that you know how it ends, look for clues in the old episodes!! Lost: The Complete First Season on DVD!!

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