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Updated! Casting for Garris' adaptation of Stephen King's DESPERATION! Find out who'll be Collie here!!!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here... seems like Mick Garris has spoken with the good folks at Liljas-Library and told them that Cliff Robertson has had to pull out of the TV movie due to back trouble. The part of Tom, the veterinarian is now going to be played by Charles Durning (Coen regular... Waring Hudsucker himself). I think Robertson had a more desert working man look to him, but I love me some Charles Durning, so that's cool with me. Garris also confirmed Tom Skerritt as Johnny Marinville, which is a nice bit of casting in my mind. Anyway, read below for the rest!!!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with some interesting casting news. I stumbled upon it while visiting one of my favorite Stephen King fan sites, Liljas-Library, who is always on the nose with their King information. Fangoria has apparently gotten the scoop on the main casting for DESPERATION, Mick Garris' next King adaptation for television.

According to Fango, the cast breakdown is thus:

-Collie Entragian: RON PERLMAN (I always pictured Scary Busey in my mind, but this is a great choice)

-Steve: STEVEN WEBBER (Not a huge fan of his, but the character isn't the best King's written, so I'm not worried about this bit)

-Mary: ANNABETH GISH (some lady from X-FILES)

-Tom (the veterinarian): CLIFF ROBERTSON (Uncle Ben himself, who is also in Garris' RIDING THE BULLET. Great choice... watch out for that big kitty cat, Cliff!)

-David: SHANE HABOUSCH (A kid from the O.C. Don't know him, but he's got the most important role in the flick, so I hope he's good!)

-Ralph: MATT FREWER (another Garris alum..."My life for you!" I love Matt Frewer and I'm happy to see him in King's universe again)

-????: TOM SKERRITT (Trying to figure who he'd be in the film, but glad to see him still working in any case! Skerritt's not mentioned in the Fango article, but in a Yahoo story (READ THAT HERE!!!), so it's possible someone got mixed up...)

OR Skerritt is playing Johnny Marinville, the over the hill one hit wonder author!!! I can't believe I didn't put that together immediately, but I'll just knock that one up to being totally consumed by the DARK TOWER series as of late.

For the whole story, be sure to go over to FANGORIA!!!

I dig the cast so far and look forward to Mick Garris' take on King's novel. I hope Garris hits this one outta the park!!!

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