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By the numbers!! Herc Gives 24 3.22 4.5 Stars!!

I am – Hercules!!

What is going on with “24”??? All is forgiven! The narrative momentum is back, and with a most vengeful vengeance! The show’s reach to prior seasons is no longer superficial. It’s almost enough to make us forget Naked Mandy!!! What kind of show are you???

“My God, Jack! Didn’t you learn anything from what happened to Teri??”

“Just because you sacrified your wife for this job doesn’t mean I’m going to sacrifice mine!”

“You really think Chase is going to quit field ops to start a family?”

“Something’s happened to him. I don’t know what.”

“There’s no easy answer to that.”

”I’ve been infected! Help me! Help me!”

“Kevin? Come in!”

“Stop her from getting above ground. But do NOT shoot to kill.”

“Whoever this is, I have a really bad connection. I’ve got a lot of stuff to do right now.”

“I talked to her a few minutes ago. She didn’t even bother to deny it.”

“Oh my God. This is all my fault.”

“Michelle, I want you to listen to me very carefully.”

“You are NOT in command here. I want him out of here, now. NOW!!”

“That’s proof enough.”

“Windows are tinted; I can’t see inside.”

“Teams A and B move, we have a visual on Saunders!”

“No it’s not, Jack. It’s just beginning.”

Look at those jets!!!! Did you see?? Jack jump off that bridge?? Julia Roberts made the biggest mistake of her life when she didn’t marry Kiefer Sutherland.

How does it end, spoiler-boy?

”This is Jack Bauer! Saunders is in custody!

Herc’s rating for “24” 3.22?


The Hercules T. Strong Rating System:
***** better than we deserve
**** better than most motion pictures
*** actually worth your valuable time
** as horrible as most stuff on TV
* makes you quietly pray for bulletins

9 p.m. Tuesday. Fox.

Swing the crebbil!

I am – Hercules!!

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