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SciFi Orders 13 GALACTICAS!!

Confirming long-brewing rumors, confirmed Tuesday that the SciFi Channel has ordered another 13 episodes of “Star Trek: The Next Generation” and “Deep Space Nine” vet Ronald Moore’s revival of “Battlestar Galactica.”

The new series will pick up several days after the conclusion of the smash 2003 four-hour miniseries, which manifested the third-most-watched program in the channel’s history.

Moore says he is in the process of hiring a writing staff, which may include veterans of “Trek,” “Roswell” and/or “Carnivale,” all series on which Moore has labored as writer-producer.

The ne series could include a remake of the original series’ 1978 episode “Pegasus.”

Some, “if not all,” of the surviving ‘70s “Galactica” stars will be approached about guest roles in the new series.

This could be good news for ‘70s “Galactica” player Richard Hatch, who has long lobbied to launch a rival new “Galactica” TV series that would return him to the role of Apollo. Hatch’s recent resume includes an appearance in the 2000 direct-to-video thriller “The Ghost,” now available on for $14.15. The actor’s most recent feature, the 2001 comedy “Big Shots,” does not yet appear to be available for purchase.

Read the whole story here.

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