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Angel 5.11 FAQ

What’s it called?


Who’s responsible?

Teleplay is credited to Steve DeKnight (“Hellbound,” “Destiny”) and Drew Goddard (“Lineage”).

What did Coax say about this one back on Nov. 8?

In 5.11, titled “Damage,” Team Angel gets involved with a petite twentysomething escaped mental patient named Dana who mysteriously gained superhuman strength “several months ago.” What could that be about?

A few other interesting details:

* The surviving nerd of doom, Andrew Wells, will be hanging about. He reveals that “Mr. Giles has been training me. I’m faster. Stronger.”

* Dana has been dreaming about other slayers. She enjoys using a bone saw to carve things off strangers.

* Speaking of which: By the time the fifth season reaches its midpoint, Mr. Xander Harris will no longer be the only major Buffiverse player to find himself making do without a key body part.

Huh. What does TV Guide say?

“A psychotic vampire slayer escapes from a mental hospital and a familiar face from Sunnydale is dispatched to L.A. to track her down before she can harm her intended prey: Spike. Andrew: Tom Lenk. Dana: Navi Rawat. Harmony: Mercedes McNab.”

The big news?

Thanks to Andrew, “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” fans hungering for details on what’s become of the surviving Scoobs will get a huge number of hints this week. Plus? Andrew now appears to be a junior watcher, looking and dressing a lot like Dr. Who.

What’s Andrew doing in Los Angeles?

“Wes contacted Rupert Giles,” explains Angel. “He's sendin' his top guy.”

Does Andrew have more to say about what’s become of Mr. Giles?

He does. “Mr. Giles and a few key Sunnydale alum have been tracking down the recently chosen,” the former Nerd of Doom explains.

Does Andrew bring news of Buffy and the other Scoobs?

Tons! The sense is that the Scoobs have essentially been transformed into a new watchers council, seeking, gathering and training hundreds or thousands of newly minted slayers.

Thousands of slayers??

“There are many potentials, as we experts call them,” notes Andrew as he briefs Team Angel. “Hundreds...maybe thousands per generation.”

Tell us what the core Scoobs are up to!

“Xander's in Africa. He sent me an mbuna fish,” says Andrew. “And Willow and Kennedy are in Brazil. They're based in Sao Paulo, but, um, every time I talk to them, they're in Rio.” Buffy and Dawn now make their home in Rome, with Dawn enrolled in school there. “She was rounding slayers up in Europe, decided she liked it there, I guess.”

Why is the slayer hot for Spike?

Well, she is, after all, a vampire slayer. And it helps to remember that all potentials carry the memories of all prior slayers. Chinese slayers. New York slayers.

Has Spike signed on with Team Angel since last episode?

No. He’s still championing the weak as a solo act. He and Angel arrive separately to deal with the crazy slayer problem.

Does anyone call the Lindsay-looking guy (LLG) “Sean” this week?

LLG is wholly absent this week.

Does the LLG continue to act all Doyle-like?

We learn how Angel found out about the crazy slayer, but I can’t recall if was explained who tipped Spike. Did “Doyle” have another “vision”?

What about Eve?

She’s not around, but is much discussed. They don’t feel they have enough evidence to go after her, but her visitations to the L.A. branch will feaure a lot more supervision.

I’m new to “Angel,” and television generally. What is this “Sunnydale” of which TV Guide speaks? Is it anywhere near “Smallville” or “Stuckeyville”?

Well, it’s … Get out of my office!!

What’s good?

A lot! All the updates on the Scoobs, the big mystery behind the crazy slayer’s connection to Spike, the big “Butterfly Effect” moment, and a terrific ending that suggests Buffy’s attitude toward Angel these days is a lot different than it was in 7.22.

What’s not so good?

Goddard’s work on “Angel” still doesn’t seem to be quite as entertaining as it was on “Buffy,” but it’s still pretty great.

How does it end, spoiler-boy?

“She's a monster.” “She's an innocent victim.” “So were we... once upon a time. Once upon a time.”

Herc’s rating for “Angel” 5.11?


The Hercules T. Strong Rating System:

***** better than we deserve

**** better than most motion pictures

*** actually worth your valuable time

** as horrible as most stuff on TV

* makes you quietly pray for bulletins

9 p.m. Wednesday. The WB.

Swing the crebbil!

I am – Hercules!!

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