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Bizarre... oddly appealing teen trash flick with Anne Hathaway in ELLA ENCHANTED...

Hey folks, Harry here... Ok... never watched THE PRINCESS DIARIES, but there's something absurdly goofy and appealing about this ELLA ENCHANTED trailer. Ok, sure it's a ton of just goofy funky tired effects. Sure it comes across like a cheap rip-off of SHREK done in live-action. But there's also some weird ass pg Monty Python-like weirdness going on, and having a teen princess cursed to do whatever it is you ask her to do... well, it's just screaming for the porn remake... Speaking of Porn, that goofy ad below... that isn't for a porn site, but for Dreamworks' EUROTRIP... FYI... There's a huge likelihood of this movie sucking terribly... but as I'm about to go to sleep... it made me giggle goofily.

Check out this utterly bizarre trainwreck of a film trailer!

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