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Tidbit on THE GREATEST MOVIE EVER MADE with Tenacious D!

Hey folks, Harry here... and we're on the verge of... THE GREATEST MOVIE EVER MADE - I hope to God that's the title of the Tenacious D movie, cuz that's absolutely hilarious... and to hear that the tone of the film is supposed to be "PEE-WEE'S BIG ADVENTURE meets CLASH OF THE TITANS meets THE SONG REMAINS THE SAME." Yes please. Oh and speaking of Thom Yorke and Radiohead... dontcha love that stop-motion video featuring Thom? Ok, well I do! And Meat Loaf is the only man on the planet that can play Jack Black's Dad! It's a fact.

This is from the latest Spin Magazine with Radiohead's Thom Yorke on the cover. Sorry if it doesn't offer any new info.




So we were sitting on our fire escape sipping iced chamomile tea and reading Judy Blume when the phone rang. It was Liam Lynch, and he was all like, "I'm cowriting and directing Tenacious D in: The Pick of Destiny, and it's the bomb." And we were like, "Yeah, whatever!" Actually, we had a fun conversationduring which the singer/puppeteer/filmmaker (Fake Songs, Sifl and Olly, and the D's "Tribute" video) spilled top secrets on what will surely be the Greatest Movie Ever Made, the D's feature-film debut (shooting this fall). "It's Pee-Wee's Big Adventure meets Clash of the Titans meets The Song Remains the Same", Lynch says. "It'll show the history of how the D became the D, starting with their childhood." Meat Loaf is on their "power list" to play Jack Black's dad, and "Will Ferrell is going to play a dude who works at the Guitar Center on Sunset." But don't expect any A-list actresses. "Jack will be playing his own mother," Lynch jokes. "It's a love story between KG (Kyle Gass) and JB. It's about friendship and the power of rock. The studio has given us all this freedom. If we say we need an elephant, they'll give us an elephant. I can't tel you anything else, but I will tell you this: There's no elephant." Whatever!

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