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Movie News


Hey folks, Harry here with a quick e-mail from 433, a despicable and loathsome chap that all abhor in Minneapolis. He doesn't walk so much as slithersss and if it wasn't for Chris and Wendy, who both usually beat him into submission, he'd be institutionalized. However, due to their training and supervision he is getting slightly less icky and has at least learned to read, a bit. He found the following in Neil Gaiman's journal... which is just creepy... the man reads other people's journals... no sense of privacy... yeesh. ANYWAY, some good came of it, as we now get to hope the financing is coming together at last for Gaiman to finally direct DEATH: THE HIGH COST OF LIVING, which would be a very good thing I feel. Here ya go...


It looks like Neil Gaiman has the financing for his DEATH: THE HIGH COST OF LIVING film he's been wanting to direct for years. He just posted this in his journal:

"It started with a terrific meeting with Roger and Brenda, my directors on the TAM LIN project. Then I walked across the hall and met with a company who wanted to finance DEATH: THE HIGH COST OF LIVING, and the only condition that they had thought might be a sticking point was something I already wanted. Things can go wrong (things can always go wrong) and lots of deals need to be made before a formal announcement can be made, but I wouldn't be surprised to be shooting DEATH next Spring."

Fingers crossed!

- 433

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