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FARSCAPE 4.18 Reviewed!!

I am – Hercules!!

“All hail the writers,” writes “Limber.” “As much as I loved last episode for its fine-tuned emotional impact and characterization - this one was just as good.”

“This episode reinforces everything great about this series,” adds “DrunkStan.”

“An amazing episode that moves the plot along while providing some key-character-gems,” offers “Altoids Girl.”

“Actually worth your valuable time,” hints Mr. Sinister:

4. “Mr. Sinister”:

Farscape 4.18 FAQ

What's it called?


What does TV Guide say?

"Uneasy allies Crichton and Scorpius travel through the wormhole in search of the Scarran outpost, where they suspect the missing Aeryn is held captive."

Did they get it right?

Not exactly. Chrichton and Scorpius travel through the wormhole (the same wormhole used to get to and from Earth) in order to find the location of the Scarren outpost, Ka-Trat-Si (I have no idea how its spelled). John believes "bizzaro Stark" knows where it is.

And how do we even know that's where the Scarrens are taking her?

Apparently, Sikozu overheard the word in "Bringing Home the Beacon," although if you missed it, you're not along.

Does John get along with Scorpius as well as he did with Harvey?

It begins to look that way, but that doesn't last long. They have very different methods, needless to say.

Do we see more of the crazy parallel universe where all the characters are played be different actors? Stark?

We do! The character of stark however is played by Raelee Hill (Sikozu). Paul Goddard does not make an appearance.

Is it as annoying as it was last time? Has Commandant Cleavage captured the bizzaro crew? How is this reality even remotely possible?

Not nearly as annoying. Crichton has arrived an hour before the crew is overtaken. Anything can happen in wormholes according to John, "Somewhere the Cubs are winning the World Series."

Please don't tell me we get another episode with no Aeryn...

No way. Aeryn is aboard a Scarren transport on her way to Ka-Trat-Si, all the while attempting to resist interrogation and praying to the Sebation Gods. She seems to be a little out of it, possibly from the heat delirium.

And the rest of the crew?

Dargo and company have little screen time waiting for Crichton to come back through the wormhole. Noranti doesn't even make an appearance.

Commandant Cleavage? Braka?

Braka and his Grayza are unseen this episode, though the crew is worried she will return to the location of the wormhole.

Any big surprise? Any sign that any former cast member will be returning for the final run?

Sadly, no.

What do the Scarrens want?

John Crichton, or, his next of kin... next episode: "We're So Screwed, Part 1: Fetal Attraction"

Mr. Sinister’s rating for “Farscape” 4.18?


The Hercules T. Strong Rating System:
  • ***** better than we deserve
  • **** better than most motion pictures
  • *** actually worth your valuable time
  • ** as horrible as most stuff on TV
  • * makes you quietly pray for bulletins

3. “Altoids Girl”:

4x18: Prayer

The episode begins with Aeryn in a prison cell, telling a Sabacean story to herself, later a Scarren comes in and interrogates her, but gets nothing.

John and Scorpy argue about the futility of saving Aeryn, John is still hell-bent on following this Katratzi lead, this time by attempting to get back to 4x11’s bizarro-Moya to grill the Sikuzo/Stark as to the location. Scorpy forces John to make a blood oath as to the promise of wormhole knowledge in exchange for Scorpy's help.

Meanwhile Aeryn continues to resist Scarren attempts to ascertain John's whereabouts and as to what he knows about wormholes. Aeryn is being affected by the torturing moreso than she is supposed to, and a Sabacean woman working with the Scarrens has an idea as to why Aeryn is getting sicker than usual.

John says he can get back to the bizzaro-world because Einstein from 4x11 says that he can get back to where he's been before, he’s going to try drill Sikuzo/Stark for information and proceeds to steer the Farscape 1 through the wormhole with his eyes closed; it’s a trippy scene, and kinda cool. They encounter Sikuzo/Stark and discover that the only time they can get the information about Katratzi is when she’s crossing over someone who dies.

The scarrens almost give up on Aeryn but the turncoat promises that she can get something out of Aeryn and does: she stabs Aeryn with a syringe in the stomach and pulls some fluid out. She tests for pregnancy and the Scarrens decide to try and use the fetal DNA for information, but first they must ascertain who the father is. After an amusing, if short, exchange that results in Aeryn calling herself “PK Trelk Girl” we find out that Aeryn not only is a damn good liar, but has an active imagination to back up the lies as she attempts to fight the truth serum. She makes up several fathers, even harking back to Velorek for those that remember second season’s amazing episode… Finally, though, she does break down and is unable to fight the serum much longer. It’s a heartbreaking scene and wonderfully played by Claudia. We also learn, through this exchange, that Sebeceans can store a fetus for up to seven cycles until they want to allow the pregnancy. A fellow prisoner, Morak, has been hoarding sleeping pills and offers them to Aeryn to kill herself before the Scarrens do.

Scorpy kills the other Noranti/Rygel to try and get Sikuzo/Stark to cross him over, but we discover that Stark can only cross over those s/he loves. John remembers that Sikuzo/Stark had cried over Aeryn/Chianna and that's when John heard "Katratzi." Scorpy decides that they must kill Aeryn/Chiana. It is here when we witness just how much John has lost of himself, as he is faced with killing Aeryn under his own will power for the second time, the first from "Bringing Home the Beacon" and now this. Even in now, even in such a radically different universe he can’t bring himself to do it. It's a heart breaking scene that drives home again just how good Ben Browder and Claudia Black are. Amazing, just painful.

Scorpy does the dirty work and Sikuzo/Stark tells him the location of Katratzi.

Back at Katratzi, Aeryn talks with Morak as they proceed to commit suicide using the pills that Morak had hidden away. Morak asks questions that are mighty suscpicous and Aeryn is correct in assuming that Morak is a spy.

Morak is in fact a spy, and Aeryn knows that the pills are fakes, that Morak was trying to ascertain the veracity of Aeryn’s mutterings under the truth serum. The episode ends with Aeryn talking to her god; pleading for the life of what we now know is her daughter.


Ok, ok, that's a whole lot of convoluted summary that hinges on the reader drawing from past episodes, but nonetheless it's an amazing episode that moves the plot along while providing some key-character-gems. I think the peacekeeper-god is entirely from left field, however, and I wonder if there's an alternative explanation for this. We'll see, Farscape has the tendency to make a complete 180 each episode in...

-altoids girl

2. “DrunkStan”:

Hi Herc

Here's a quick review of this weeks Farscape. Also, for the UK viewers, remember that the show will be shown on Monday AND Tuesday next week.

Farscape 4.18 - Prayer

The good news is that this episode rocks. The bad news is that there are only 4 left. It seems that this half of the 4th series more than makes up for the average first half (excluding the snooze-fest Mental as Anything). The purpose of this episode was to mess with your perceptions of the Farscape universe. This is one of the things that it does best - takes an idea and twists it around until you're unsure of what's real and what's not. The story can be broken down into 3 threads.

Firstly, John has made a deal with Scorpius, enlisting his help to find Aeryn in exchange for wormhole knowledge. This means that they take a trip through a wormhole, to an alternate reality to quiz an alternative Stark about the whereabouts of a Scarran base called Katrazi. However, Stark does not remember this base and comes to conclusion that the question can only be answered when helping people across to their death. What follows involves quite a few shocking murders and hard choices.

Secondly, Aeryn is aboard a Scarran ship and is being interrogated by its cruel and aggressive captain (and a Sebacean nurse). They find out she's pregnant and demand to know if the baby is Crichton's, as they may be able to extract possible 'DNA knowledge' with regards to wormholes. If you wanted to know what happened to Aeryn when she left Moya at the end of series 3, initially, this answers those questions. However, as the torture gets worse and worse, the story keeps changing and until the 'final' truth is revealed. The problem is, that this being Farscape (ie. the characters have dynamics and evolve) you are unsure of whether this is the real truth. It keeps you guessing.

Finally, the rest of the crew on Moya have differing opinions and argue about whether to wait for Crichton and Scorpy, as a Peacekeeper carrier is closing in on them, or to flee to safety.

This episode reinforces everything great about this series. The characters don't live in some utopian futuristic bubble, doing the noblest action for the benefit of the species. These are individual characters, with selfish motives and shifting allegiances. When 2 characters commit cold-blooded murder, it's not because they were under some alien influence or were framed or (insert cliché here…). They did it because they are bad-asses and it's the quickest way to get results or satiate the thirst for revenge.

Character interaction is great, especially between John and Scorpy (watch for the situation where Scorpius utters "Why is nothing simple with you?"). Although the start is a bit slow, the pacing picks up after the 1st act and builds nicely to the conclusion, which again, sets things up nicely for the next chapter in this superior story arc.

Have fun


1. “Limber”:

Hey, Herc! Remember last week, when I said that we're only three days ahead of the States? Well, it turns out the Beeb's making up for that snooker incident with a double showing next week. On one hand - yay, more Farscape! On the other - damn, that means it'll be over a lot faster than I'd like. But enough blathering, on to the show: "Prayer"

External of the Scarran ship; inside, Aeryn huddles against a wall, looking rather rough. She seems to be talking to herself about a Sebacean god she was told about as a child, Jan'ke'brue, who was worshipped by six planets. The inhabitants built temples and offered gifts, but one day she rose up and destroyed all six worlds. The last dying warrior asked "We gave you everything - why did you destroy us?" And she responded, "Because I can." Aeryn recites this in a very focused, intense way, very desperate and minimalist. It's spooky.

Marginally less spooky is Crichton, pacing through the corridors with Scorpius hot on his heels. They're having a predictable conversation - Crichton wants to save Aeryn, Scorpius is certain she'll have been "mind-raped" beyond recovery. Crichton's intensity and focus mirror Aeryn's, but his is projected outward; he has a plan. With Scorpius in tow, Crichton plans to re-wormhole to BizzaroMoya, where he'll interrogate BizzaroStark to find the location of Katratzi. Scorpius is game, as long as Crichton promises to reveal every equation, every secret to wormholes once they're through. Crichton agrees, sealing the pact with blood.

Back with Aeryn, and she's asking the deity for a sign that Crichton's coming for her. Mid-prayer, she's interrupted by a Scarran and his toady (Jenek and a turncoat Sebacean, Vreena). Jenek wants to know where Crichton is located. After spitting something incredibly rude at him, Aeryn gets zapped against the wall of her cell and Jenek shouts his question again. She denies knowing anything, convulsing from the heat-torture. Aaaannnd theme music.

Whoo. The opener pretty much sets the tone for the rest of the show. This episode is really harsh, but in a good way - an excellent way. Crichton's desperation is evident; his side of the story is layered with panic and regret at the paths he's forced to take, with Scorpius constantly over his shoulder and time definitely not on his side. Browder's fantastic here, totally conflicted about every choice, every solution a bad one; his emotions comes through loud and clear, he's a pleasure to watch. Aeryn's situation is just as desperate, but she doesn't get the chance to let any of it out - she spends the episode desperately trying to rein herself in as she's pumped full of drugs and serums, scanned, threatened. Again, Black absolutely rocks - she's chained up most of the ep, but her facial expressions and voice control are brilliant. And the way she balances a maternal instinct with survival and consequence... It's nice to see a character who can get pregnant and NOT fall headlong into a cliche. I can't say enough good things about the leads. Gorgeous. Not to mention Scorpius, finally coming into his own. The rest of the cast spend their time futzing about the border of the wormhole, so they've not got much to do except bop over to BizzaroMoya if they're needed. I think they'll get more screentime next ep.

And all hail the writers. As much as I loved last episode for its fine-tuned emotional impact and characterization - this one was just as good. There's nothing delicate about this episode, it's all about clobbering you and then kicking you while you're down. The edges are much sharper, closer, the emotions raw and absolutely true to form. Better yet, I think these might be the only writers in television who actually keep track of their own damn storylines - no logic-defying twists or cheap gimmicks, these people have obviously been thinking in the long-term. I love them. The dialogue is sharp and brilliant, the plot makes sense, the pacing is perfect. In an episode where time was obviously running out, the cast and crew manage to lace everything with urgency and barely-restrained panic, making the hour seem half that time and definitely not enough.

Highlights: Vreena is totally, totally creepy, but I don't know yet if she's totally evil. The Scarran's idea of a maternity ward leaves a lot to be desired. BizzaroJool? Hee. All Scorpius-Crichton interaction. The tangible desperation that makes the episode absolutely speed by. The Scarran interrogation chair is alarmingly constructed. Now Scorpius has the wormhole tech within his reach, he's not going to let anything (or anyone) get in his way. The BizzaroChiana choice - writers, I love you. MaternalAeryn. "Then I orphan no one!" And Aeryn finishes her prayer.

I am – Hercules!!

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