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Movie News

Ending Of X-MEN 2 Revealed'!

Hey, everyone. "Moriarty" here with some Rumblings From The Lab.

I got this note from the good guys over at Lights Out Entertainment, and I also got a lot of mail asking if it’s true. First, let me give you the link...

Hey Harry,

We got a scoop from a someone inside of FOX on a possible ending sequence for X-MEN 2!


Hope this helps!


I have no doubt that they got this letter, and I’m not sure if they’re adding a moment like this or not, but don’t worry... even if you stumble across this “spoiler,” you don’t know the first thing about the way X-MEN 2 ends. That’s good, too, because Bryan Singer and his writers, Mike Dougherty and Dan Harris, have come up with something pretty groovy that’s going to make continuity freaks light up like Christmas trees when they lay eyes on it. It’s a heck of a setup for where the franchise might go next, and it’s also a callback to the second film in another popular geek franchise. Overall, very smart stuff, and it’s going to be one of the big kicks you get in a movie this summer. Do yourself a favor... if you see any further headlines about how this sequel ends... you should skip it. Keep yourself as fresh as possible, and you’ll be glad in the long run.

"Moriarty" out.

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