Ain't It Cool News (


Hey, everyone. "Moriarty" here with some Rumblings From The Lab.

I love THE PRODUCERS. There’s a run of movies that Gene Wilder and Mel Brooks did together that are as good as film comedy gets. YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN. BLAZING SADDLES. But THE PRODUCERS might be the most delicious of the three, because it’s an original. It’s bold and fresh, even now. And the new DVD that MGM is putting out promises to be a good one, with special features like this a new hour-long documentary, a new remastered transfer, a deleted sequence, and more. I haven’t seen it yet, but I’ll be taking a look at it for an upcoming column.

In the meantime, you can win one of your very own. All you have to do is send me your idea (1500 words or less, please) for the biggest guaranteed flop of all time. I want you to send me ideas for movies that couldn’t make a dime, no matter what. It’s time for your own SPRINGTIME FOR HITLER, and the best five are going to get published here on AICN and get DVD copies of their very own.

Enter as many times as you want. The one big rule is that you have to have your entry in to me at this address by Friday morning of this week at 9 AM PST. Make sure you put “PRODUCERS DVD CONTEST ENTRY” in the header, please, and I’ll be publishing the winner’s names over the weekend in one of the next two editions of my MORIARTY’S DVD SHELF column.

Let the avalanche of terrible ideas commence!!

"Moriarty" out.

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