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Richard Harris has Passed Away

Richard Harris passed away today. He was truly a towering performer, someone bigger than the screens upon which he graced. Tonight I will drink many pints of Guinness, I'll tell stories that I heard him tell, I recall him hanging by his flesh and being tortured in A MAN CALLED HORSE, I'll dream of Camelot, I'll remember his report back from Navarone, I'll remember his desire to stay in Tahiti, I remember his King Richard and King Arthur. And right now as I ponder the shedding of the earthly coil that Harris inhabited here, I think about what English Bob would say at a time like this...

" A plague on you! A plague on the whole stinking lot of ya, without morals or laws! And all you whores got no laws! You got no honor! It's no wonder you all emigrated to America, because they wouldn't have you in England! You're a lot of savages, that's what you all are. A bunch of bloody savages! A plague on you! I'll be back!"

Actors don't come with the soul, spirit, wit or cool of a Richard Harris anymore. He will always inhabit the mind of a filmlover, I know he'll be in mine forever.

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