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I SPY Trailer Is Up

Hey folks, Harry here... I don't know about you, but I loved the original I SPY show... I liked how, between Culp and Cosby, there was always a sense of fun in the idle times, and sense of no nonesense business when the chips called for it. Well, in this feature film adaptation, they seem to be playing up almost exclusively the FUNNY side with the pairing of Owen Wilson and Eddie Murphy. They've also seemed to have turned the pair into a 'wacky duo' by making one a sports professional and the other a newly promoted 'special agent'. So it seems that they no longer have a career that was all a cover for international travel for their spy missions... It seems also that they've fallen for the gadget line as opposed to using their brains like they did in the original. I don't know... Bringing this up to date seems from the trailer to be a bit flat and shallow for me, but maybe there is more to this... maybe...

Click Here To Check Out This Rather Flat Looking Feature Version of I SPY Trailer!

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