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Will Smith to play SHAFT' Drew Barrymore, Never Been Kissed'

Ok folks here's some news that came way of Dr.D, the meister of early risers. The first bit disturbs me a bit. Ya see I love SHAFT, and I really think John Singleton can do a great job, but when I think of SHAFT the last person I think of is WILL SMITH. Now I think it is possible for a strong director like Singleton to cajole Will Smith's smiley side of the mouth cute comments, and mold him into a murderous machinegun toting asskicking bro in black leather. Of course it is an absolute requirement that Will Smith keep his ass away from the soundtrack which should be recorded solely by ISAAC "Duke of New York A#1" HAYES!!!

Then after the SHAFT news, Dr.D sent in a report on Drew Barrymore's latest... so check it out....

I'm SO GLAD to tell you this. There will be a Shaft remake! I know what you're thinking, who's making it you ask? John Singleton! Who will star in it, you ask? None other, than the star of Wiwld Wild West, Men In Black, and Independence Day, Will Smith! Too good to be true? That's what I think. But as far as I know, John Singleton and Will Smith signed to do the project!

Oh, and I also wanted to tell you that I heard about a Drew Barrymore movie, I don't want to tell you where I heard of it, but I'll tell you. This IS going to be made, and there IS some spoiler material here. Anyways... It's a romantic comedy, set in Chicago, about a girl (Drew Barrymore), who is a small time reporter for a newspaper. Anyways, she gets a chance to make a story about High School. Which gives her another chance to go to High School, because she dropped out in her teens. Anyways, while she's there, people hate her at first. Then they get to know her, and like her. After a while, Drew falls in love with a teacher, and of course, she couldn't break the student-teacher... you know... agreement, I guess that's what you call it. Anyways, after a while, she tells the school she's actually about 25 years old and she was doing a story for a newspaper. So everyone doesn't like her again. And the teacher doesn't like her after that, either. Anyways, spoilers coming up. Drew tells him if he really likes her, to meet her at the pitcher's mound ar Rigly Field at 7:00 (or some time like that). So she's at the pitcher's mound, 7:00 goes by, she's still waiting. Meanwhile there's a huge crowd around here, just to see if would actually come! About 5 minutes after 7, he runs out of the dugout, onto the pitcher's mound, and then comes the big smooch, if you know what I mean. Then that's the end. The movie is called Never Been Kissed, and the high school is called Glenbrook. It's a real high school. Dr. D

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